CTA- Public
Forked from Constantineople/Assignment1根据20170925-华泰期货-CTA量化策略因子系列(二):动量因子研报进行复现
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Forked from hanbt/learn_dlDeep learning algorithms source code for beginners
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Forked from Relph1119/deeplearning-with-pytorch-notes龙曲良《PyTorch深度学习》学习笔记及代码
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Keywords: Boosting, Elastic Net (Ridge regression, LASSO), Principal component analysis, Independent component analysis, Sparse principal component analysis.
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Forked from netneurolab/pypylsA Python implementation of Partial Least Squares (PLS) decomposition
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Forked from mhallsmoore/qstraderQuantStart.com - QSTrader backtesting simulation engine.
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Forked from amuguruza/NN-StochVol-CalibrationsWe implement the paper: Deep Learning Volatility
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Forked from mahmoudparsian/pyspark-tutorialPySpark-Tutorial provides basic algorithms using PySpark
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