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What is spring4probe

spring4probe is a set of prototype tests on the capability of Springframework 4.X


Service installation:

  • MongoDB

  • H2

  • Redis


How to

[ Must ] Start MongoDB
  • mongod (in MongoDB directory)
[ Must ] run a Gemfire Server (for running all test cases, which contains GemFire related test cases)
  • gradle runGemfire

start a basic GemFire server with a Region on port 40404 -- a logical partition within GemFire named as 'YummyNoodleOrder'

[ Optional ] run a Redis Server (for Redis test cases)
  • bin/redis-server (in Redis directory, e.g., /usr/local/Cellar/redis/2.8.9 on Mac via brew)
[ Optional ] run a RabbitMQ Server (for RabbitMQ test cases)
  • sbin/rabbitmq-server (in RabbitMQ directory, e.g., /usr/local/sbin/ on Mac via brew)

associated commands: rabbitmqctl stop; you might also want to check the allow net interface in /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf

[ Optional ] run a ActiveMQ Server (for JMS/ActiveMQ test cases)
  • bin/activemq start (in ActiveMQ directory, e.g., /usr/local/Cellar/activemq/5.9.1/ on Mac via brew)
[ Recommended ] run from web container:
  • gradle build tomcatRunWar

(default) visit http://localhost:8080/ (for page requesting authentication, user name: "http", password: "http")

(alternative by comment com.yummynoodlebar.config.WebAppInitializer to ensure use of rest.yummynoodlebar.config.WebAppInitializer) visit http://localhost:8080/aggregators/orders to get an empty page with "[]" through HTTP authentication "http:http"

[ Recommended ] run from tests:
  • gradle clean test

primary test cases:, data.yummynoodlebar.persistence.integration, com.yummynoodlebar.web.controller

[ Optional ] run application directly:
  • gradle [runAPP] (for example: gradle runScheduleTaskApp)

Other APP options: runScheduleTaskApp; runConsumeRESTApp; runRedisApp; runRabbitMQApp; runJMSApp; runSOAPServerApp; runSOAPClientApp (need runSOAPServerApp); runSOAPWsimportClientApp (need runSOAPServerApp); runJDBCTxApp; runDataJPAApp; runDataMongoDBApp;

code package: io.spring


Probe Content

included tutorials:

  • "rest.yummynoodlebar" RESTful implementation and test with MockMVC/RestTemplate; deployable on Tomcat with Java-based Config via WebApplicationInitializer; HTTP Basic security. [from]

  • "data.yummynoodlebar" MongoDB persistent via MongoTemplate and Spring Data repository hierarchy (e.g., CrudRepository); config class to map to a JPA database, and use Spring Data JPA Repository to store and retrieve data from H2 database; support GemFire by launching a local cache server to save/retreive objects with GemFireTemplate OQL and GemfireRepository; support of calable and event-driven architecture (propagated message across application cluster) with GemFire Continuous Queries. [from]

  • "com.yummynoodlebar" SpringMVC based configuration via AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer, controller and mapping; Spring Components with multi-scopes (singleton and HttpSession); use of view-fragments supported Thymeleaf viewResolver; inject Spring MVC model into view; MockMVC to ensure attributes existence in view's model() and url forwarding/redirecting; @ModelAttribute based command object mapping between controller and view page with validation support; HTML-form, in-header-cookie JSESSIONID session, and filter-chain based Spring Security authentication with customized rules. [from]

  • "io.Spring" A list of Spring feature testings from Spring guide, including: Scheduling Tasks; Consuming a RESTful Web Service; Uploading Files (integrated into gradle tomcatRunWar); Messaging with Redis; Messaging with RabbitMQ; Messaging with JMS; RPC-style SOAP web service; Managing Transactions (via JdbcTemplate); Accessing Data with JPA; Accessing Data with MongoDB; []

  • More incoming:

Accessing JPA Data with REST; Creating a Batch Service; Application with Reactor; Using WebSocket; Uploading pictures with Reactor;


A probe of Spring framework 4.X







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