这是一套全部开源的微商城项目,包含一个运营后台、H5商城前台和服务端接口。 实现了商城所需的首页展示、商品分类、商品详情、sku详情、商品搜索、购物车、结算下单、线上支付,商品评论等一系列功能。 技术上基于最新得Springboot3.0、jdk17,整合了MySql、Redis、RabbitMQ、ElasticSearch等常用中间件,对于初学者而言根据readme中的本地开发指南就能成功…
eladmin jpa 版本:项目基于 Spring Boot 2.6.4、 Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由
Rust Memory Container Cheat-sheet
A curated list of Rust code and resources.
🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
The project demonstrates how you can develop applications with Jakarta EE using widely adopted architectural best practices like Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
Customized ACPI method for overriding mobile AMD APU STAPM values
Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang
Admin UI for administration of spring boot applications
Spring Boot Project for Apache Dubbo
《Spring Cloud微服务-全栈技术与案例解析》和《Spring Cloud微服务 入门 实战与进阶》配套源码
Benchmark comparing serialization libraries on the JVM
Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM
Netty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework
Real - time non-invasive AOP framework container based on JVM
2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so…
The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
Socket.IO server implemented on Java. Realtime java framework
The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC