A good-looking chronometer made with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
After one of our first ever classes of JavaScript, homework was given to us in form of making a chronometer. Easy task right? Well not for me, who wanted to have the best chronometer my teacher ever saw, and that's what we've got here.
My chronometer is able to set times in hours, minutes, seconds and also hundredths of seconds. Just with this I have a notorious difference comparing my chronometer with a bunch of them that you'll find over the internet searching for a tutorial. They only have up to seconds, something that in my opinion breaks the porpuse of a chronometer.
An other difference I wanted it to have is the capability to press the buttons with a keyboard shortcut('c' & 'space'). This will bring the chronometer the precision it requires.
The most and last fascinating feature I want to describe you is the posibility you have to save the lap time by pressing the reset button once the chronometer start.