Install Docker Engine by following instructions here.
Run the command to check that Docker Engine is working correctly.
sudo docker run hello-world
Follow the instructions here to run Docker without sudo
Running a container from image, detached to background. The container will be running automatically.
To run the programs interactive, use the -it
To delete container after finishing run, use the --rm
docker run --detach --name webcontainer nginx:latest
However, to create a container from an image but in stopped state, use the create
docker create --name webcontainer nginx:latest
docker start webcontainer
To check actively running containers, run the ps
docker ps
Containers can be restart and verified to be restarted correctly.
docker stop webcontainer # Stops the container
docker restart webcontainer
docker logs webcontainer
To run additional programs in a docker container, use the exec
docker exec webcontainer ls # Runs the ls command inside webcontainer
To pull an image only rather than spin containers up, use the pull
docker pull nginx:latest
docker pull # from alternate sources not from docker hub
To save the image as a tar file, use the save
command. Then, load it using the load
docker save -o nginx.tar nginx:latest
docker load –i nginx.tar
A docker image can also be built using a dockerfile.
docker build -t test:latest ch3_dockerfile # ch3_dockerfile is a directory containing the Dockerfile
Images can be deleted using the rmi
docker rmi test:latest
There are 2 types of volumes in Docker: Bind mounts and Docker-managed volumes.
Bind Mount volumes are useful to share data across processes.
The -v
flag is used to create a mapping: key is the path on the host and value is absolute path to container location.
docker run -d --name bmweb -v ~/example-docs:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs -p 80:80 httpd:latest