Matlab/Octave code implementation of block subspace filter (BSF) for removing radio interference artefacts in SAR images
function data_flt = BSF(data,block_len,Ns)
% Input:
% data ----- single look complex SAR image data matrix, complex double datatype.
% block_len ----- block length use to perform block-wise processing, e.g., block_len = [1000 1000].
% Ns ----- number of subspace dimension. Tuning this parameter to obtain satisfactory results.
% Output:
% data_flt ----- filtered single look complex SAR image data matrix
load data % load SLC SAR data
block_len = [1000 1000]; % block lengths
Ns = 2; % emprical RFI subspace dimensions
data_flt = BSF(data,block_len,Ns);
left: input image containing RFI; mid: filtered image; right: removed interference artefact
More descriptions can be found in the following paper:
Huizhang Yang et al., “BSF: Block Subspace Filter for Removing Narrowband and Wideband Radio Interference Artefacts in Single Look Complex SAR Images,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2021. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2021.3096538
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