This is a CalDav server written by express.js with babel, using pure ES6 features to develop
- support multiple users with sqlite database
- much faster than radicale
- offer additional APIs for microservice
- easy to implement authentication
- easy to migrate to any other database
- friendly with developer because of ES6/ES7 features thanks to babel
- detailed documents for both deployment and use
node-caldav-server relys on node-gyp, which does not work perfect on Windows
Therefore, *nux is the best deployment platform.
Open the conf/config.js
, you can see the following statements
module.exports = {
databaseType: 'sqlite', // database type
databaseName: 'caldav', // database name
databaseFile: 'caldav.db', // sqlite only,the storage file path
shouldTruncateAllTables: false, // true will drop the table if it already exists when server is starting
calDavPath: '/cal', // the root path for caldav service
principalPath: '/p', // the root path for principal service
Feel free to modify the config
Run the following command
npm install
npm start
The server is now running at localhost:3000
please replace the :user_name
with your own name first.
Then, replace the calendar_name
with a calendar name. If the calendar isn't exists, we will create it.
Therefore, the URL example can be:
Finally, you will be asked to provide an account with password to login node-caldav-server.
Don't worry about the account, if it isn't exists, we will create it, too.
node-caldav-server is still in developing.
After developing, we will test every CalDav client listed here.
It won't be long, which we think is less than a month
- Mozilla Lightning
- SOL Calendar
- aCalendar+
- DAVdroid
- CalendarSync
- CalDav-Sync
- IPHONE & IPAD Calendars
- OSX Calendars
Mozilla Lightning is a plugin for Mozilla Thunderbird to add the CalDav support
- click on File and New Calendar
- first window:
- choose a calendar On the Network
- next window:
- protocol: choose CalDav
- location: >localhost:3000/cal/:user_name/:calendar_name
- offline support: disabled
- final window:
- you can set whatever you want , since settings of final window is only used by Mozzila Lightning rather than CalDav server.
You can now add events and tasks to your calendar.
SOL Calendar is an wonderful Android app , which focus on Calendar including CalDav
- open Settings
- click on Add an account
- click on Manual entry
- Upcoming window:
- CalDav Root URL: >localhost:3000/cal/:user_name/:calendar_name
- ID: your username of account
- Password: your password of account
You can now add events and tasks to your calendar.
aCalendar+ is an Android application but can't add new CalDav server. However it can use exist calendar added by Settings/Account/New Account.
If the platform can't add a third party CalDav Calendar, you can install SOL Calendar to complete it.
After the calendar being created, aCalendar+ can identify it automatically. Feel free to add events and tasks now
DAVdroid is an Android application.
- press '+' button on the right bottom corner of screen
- choose Login in with URL and user name
- Base URL : >localhost:3000/cal/:user_name/:calendar_name
- note that: In DAVdroid, calendar_name MUST NOT have prefix or suffix like 'demo.ics'.
- User name: your username of account
- Password: your password of account
- Preemptive authentication: enabled
- Base URL : >localhost:3000/cal/:user_name/:calendar_name
Now the Calendar is added. In addition, DAVdroid can add new calendar using the same account.
However, DAVdroid can only add calendar. You need to download OpenTasks to edit the events and tasks of calendar
The syncing process of DAVdroid may report error to you. Just ignore it since DAVdroid's request isn't standard.Actually,there is no error in the saving and syncing process
CalendarSync is an Android application.
The CalDav Setting here is a little bit different from other client. Follow these steps:
- click on right-top corner of app
- click on Create new WebiCal
- select No, I want to set it up by myself
- Upcoming Window:
- Server url: >localhost:3000/cal/:user_name/:calendar_name
- User name: your username of account
- Password: your password of account
- Sync only a limited time interval: disabled
- click OK
- press on the showing calendar, then click on CONFIGURE SELECTED CALENDARS
CalendarSync can only sync Calendar. It doesn't have ability to edit the events and tasks.
You can add events and tasks using other client, then go back to CalendarSync to sync without errors
CalDav-Sync is an Android application which can add CalDav calendar.
- open application
- choose CalDAV
- Upcoming window:
- Server name or URL: >localhost:3000/cal/:user_name/:calendar_name
- Username: your username of account
- Password: your password of account
- click on next
- choose at least a calendar, then click on NEXT.
- finally click on FINISH
CalDav-Sync is the same as CalendarSync which doesn't support add/edit/delete events and tasks.
You can add events and tasks using other client.
GPL v3