Weekly Boilerplate is a carefully designed weekly newsletter website template, aimed at providing a one-click startup solution for weekly newsletter businesses for both technical and non-technical users.
Demo address:https://weekly.weijunext.com
Blog: Next.js+MDX手撸周刊/博客网站
Use this boilerplate website:
- J Blog:https://weijunext.com
- 信息差周刊:https://gapis.money
Weekly Boilerplate is built on the following tech stack:
- Next.js – Frontend
- MDX - Content writing
- TailwindCSS – Styling
- Shadcn, NextUI – UI
- Giscus – Comment plugin
- Google Analytics - Analytics(How to use?)
- Vercel - Hosting
After cloning the repo, you need to copy the .env.example
file to create a .env
file and fill in the required fields.
Then, run the application in the command line and it will be available at http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Deploy the example using Vercel:
- SSG rendering for weekly/blog
- Article indexing
- Comment functionality
- Search functionality (partial)
- Clicking on search results should navigate and scroll to the selected position
- Display only one line for each search result item
Full-Stack Engineer, Open-Source Next.js Artist & AI Enthusiast.
全栈工程师,Next.js 开源手艺人,AI降临派。
My Blog
Twitter/X - En
If this project is helpful to you, star the repo and buy be a coffee, thank you.