Library to display a GUI game as a layer on top of the canvas HTML/CSS.
Select or create themes.
Create GUI (element html5 and css3):
- texture
- text
- textLink
- label
- window draggable (with title & button close)
- dialog (with button close)
- panel (simple dialog without button close)
- button
- slider
- progress
- meter (jauge de measure)
- select color (with compatitility IE and Edge)
- spinner
- radio button
- checkbox
- textfield
- textarea
- fieldset
- select with options
- systeme of database (localStorage and sessionStorage)
We must create a GUIManager that allows to recover the origin of the canvas and provides other basic thing. A GUIManager can have a CSS that Formatted anything you want to customize your GUI. You can also options to add a theme in the third parameter.
var canvas = document.getElementById("game");
var css = "button {cursor:pointer;}";
var options = {themeRoot: "../style/", themeGUI: "default"};
var guisystem = new CASTORGUI.GUIManager(canvas, css, options);
Then we create interfaces items. eg textures and dialog with text:
var myFunction = function() { alert("Yes, this work!"); };
var guiTexture = new CASTORGUI.GUITexture("life", "data/image.png", {w:50,h:50,x:10,y:0}, guisystem, myFunction);
var optionsDialog = {w: (guisystem.getCanvasSize().width - 20), h: 100, x: 8, y: (guisystem.getCanvasSize().height - 110)};
var dialog = new CASTORGUI.GUIDialog("dialog", optionsDialog, guisystem);
var text = new CASTORGUI.GUIText("textDialog", {size:15, text:"Display text here"}, guisystem, false);
That's it. Everything works the same way with the same simplicity.
Demo in the playground :
var db = new CASTORGUI.DataBase(false); // true if use sessionStorage else use localStorage (stockage temporary)
db.addTable("user");// create table
db.createField("user", "member", {"pseudo":"dad72"});// create field
db.selectItem("user", "member", "pseudo");// return dad72
db.updateItem("user", "member", "pseudo", "Romeo"); // update pseudo
db.selectItem("user", "member", "pseudo");// return Romeo
//if delete table:
// if delete database:
Demo in the playground :