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Factored out javascript settings
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Made JavaScript sources based on resources, and added jsSources to
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jroper committed Oct 28, 2013
1 parent d9bb9ed commit ed1c421
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Showing 3 changed files with 50 additions and 24 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/com/typesafe/webdriver/LocalBrowser.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class LocalBrowser(sessionProps: Props, maybeArgs: Option[Seq[String]]) extends

when(Started) {
case Event(CreateSession, _) =>
val session = context.actorOf(sessionProps, "session")
val session = context.actorOf(sessionProps)
session ! Session.Connect
sender ! session
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package com.typesafe.webdriver.sbt

import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._

* Adds JavaScript settings to SBT
object JavaScriptSettings extends Plugin {

val JavaScript = config("js")
val JavaScriptTest = config("js-test")
val jsSource = SettingKey[File]("js-source", "The main source directory for JavaScript.")

private def filterSources(sources: Seq[File], includeFilter: FileFilter, excludeFilter: FileFilter): Seq[File] = {
val filter = includeFilter -- excludeFilter

private def locateSources(sourceDirectory: File, includeFilter: FileFilter, excludeFilter: FileFilter): Seq[File] =
(sourceDirectory ** (includeFilter -- excludeFilter)).get

override def projectSettings = Seq(
includeFilter in JavaScript := GlobFilter("*.js"),
includeFilter in JavaScriptTest := GlobFilter("*Test.js") | GlobFilter("*Spec.js"),

// jsSource is just a directory that allows you to layout your project nicely, anything in it gets added to the
// resources task.
jsSource in Compile := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "js",
jsSource in Test := (sourceDirectory in Test).value / "js",
unmanagedResources in Compile <++= (jsSource in Compile, includeFilter in (Compile, unmanagedResources), excludeFilter in (Compile, unmanagedResources)) map locateSources,
unmanagedResources in Test <++= (jsSource in Test, includeFilter in (Test, unmanagedResources), excludeFilter in (Test, unmanagedResources)) map locateSources,

// The actual javascript sources come from whatever is in resources
unmanagedSources in JavaScript <<= (unmanagedResources in Compile, includeFilter in JavaScript, excludeFilter in JavaScript) map filterSources,
managedSources in JavaScript <<= (managedResources in Compile, includeFilter in JavaScript, excludeFilter in JavaScript) map filterSources,
unmanagedSources in JavaScriptTest <<= (unmanagedResources in Test, includeFilter in JavaScriptTest, excludeFilter in JavaScriptTest) map filterSources,
managedSources in JavaScriptTest <<= (managedResources in Test, includeFilter in JavaScriptTest, excludeFilter in JavaScriptTest) map filterSources,
sources in JavaScript <<= (unmanagedSources in JavaScript, managedSources in JavaScript) map(_ ++ _),
sources in JavaScriptTest <<= (unmanagedSources in JavaScriptTest, managedSources in JavaScriptTest) map(_ ++ _)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,41 +16,22 @@ abstract class WebDriverPlugin extends sbt.Plugin {

object WebDriverKeys {
val webBrowser = TaskKey[ActorRef]("js-web-browser", "An actor representing the webdriver browser.")
val JavaScript = config("js")
val JavaScriptTest = config("js-test")
val jsSource = SettingKey[File]("js-source", "The main source directory for JavaScript.")
val parallelism = SettingKey[Int]("js-parallelism", "The number of parallel tasks for the webdriver host. Defaults to the # of available processors + 1 to keep things busy.")
val reporter = TaskKey[LoggerReporter]("js-reporter", "The reporter to use for conveying processing results.")

import WebDriverKeys._

def locateSources(sourceDirectory: File, includeFilter: FileFilter, excludeFilter: FileFilter): Seq[File] =
(sourceDirectory * (includeFilter -- excludeFilter)).get

def webDriverSettings = Seq(
webBrowser <<= (state) map (_.get(browserAttrKey).get),
jsSource in JavaScript := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "js",
jsSource in JavaScriptTest := (sourceDirectory in Test).value / "js",
parallelism := java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() + 1,
reporter := new LoggerReporter(5, streams.value.log),
includeFilter in JavaScript := GlobFilter("*.js"),
includeFilter in JavaScriptTest := GlobFilter("*Test.js") | GlobFilter("*Spec.js"),
sources in JavaScript <<= (jsSource in JavaScript, includeFilter in JavaScript, excludeFilter in JavaScript) map (locateSources),
sources in JavaScriptTest <<= (jsSource in JavaScriptTest, includeFilter in JavaScriptTest, excludeFilter in JavaScriptTest) map (locateSources)

implicit val system = withActorClassloader(ActorSystem("webdriver-system"))
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
implicit val webDriverSystem = withActorClassloader(ActorSystem("webdriver-system"))
implicit val webDriverTimeout = Timeout(5.seconds)

private val browserAttrKey = AttributeKey[ActorRef]("web-browser")
private val browserOwnerAttrKey = AttributeKey[WebDriverPlugin]("web-browser-owner")

private def load(state: State): State = {
state.get(browserOwnerAttrKey) match {
case None => {
val browser = system.actorOf(PhantomJs.props(), "localBrowser")
val browser = webDriverSystem.actorOf(PhantomJs.props(), "localBrowser")
browser ! LocalBrowser.Startup
val newState = state.put(browserAttrKey, browser).put(browserOwnerAttrKey, this)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +59,10 @@ abstract class WebDriverPlugin extends sbt.Plugin {

override val globalSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
onLoad in Global := (onLoad in Global).value andThen (load),
onUnload in Global := (onUnload in Global).value andThen (unload)
onUnload in Global := (onUnload in Global).value andThen (unload),
webBrowser <<= (state) map (_.get(browserAttrKey).get),
parallelism := java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() + 1,
reporter := new LoggerReporter(5, streams.value.log)

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