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DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library similar to WebMagic and Scrapy. It is a lightweight ,efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for .NET


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DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library similar to WebMagic and Scrapy. It is a lightweight ,efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for .NET





  • Storage data to mysql. Download MySql

      grant all on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '' with grant option;
      flush privileges;
  • Run distributed crawler. Download Redis for windows

  • SqlServer.

  • PostgreSQL.


Please see the Projet DotnetSpider.Sample in the solution.


Base usage Codes

Crawler pages traversal
	public static void CrawlerPagesTraversal()
		// Config encoding, header, cookie, proxy etc... 定义采集的 Site 对象, 设置 Header、Cookie、代理等
		var site = new Site { EncodingName = "UTF-8", RemoveOutboundLinks = true };

		// Set start/seed url

		Spider spider = Spider.Create(site,
			// crawler identity
			"cnblogs_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"),
			// use memoery queue scheduler
			new QueueDuplicateRemovedScheduler(),
			// default page processor will save whole html, and extract urls to target urls via regex
			new DefaultPageProcessor(new[] { "cnblogs\\.com" }))
			// save crawler result to file in the folder: \{running directory}\data\{crawler identity}\{guid}.dsd
			.AddPipeline(new FilePipeline());

		// dowload html by http client
		spider.Downloader = new HttpClientDownloader();
		// 4 threads 4线程
		spider.ThreadNum = 4;
		// traversal deep 遍历深度
		spider.Deep = 3;

		// stop crawler if it can't get url from the scheduler after 30000 ms 当爬虫连续30秒无法从调度中心取得需要采集的链接时结束.
		spider.EmptySleepTime = 30000;

		// start crawler 启动爬虫
Custmize processor and pipeline
	public static void CustmizeProcessorAndPipeline()
		// Config encoding, header, cookie, proxy etc... 定义采集的 Site 对象, 设置 Header、Cookie、代理等
		var site = new Site { EncodingName = "GB2312", RemoveOutboundLinks = true };
		//for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
		//	// Add start/feed urls. 添加初始采集链接
		//	site.AddStartUrl("http://" + $"{i}.html");
		Spider spider = Spider.Create(site,
			// use memoery queue scheduler. 使用内存调度
			new QueueDuplicateRemovedScheduler(),
			// use custmize processor for youku 为优酷自定义的 Processor
			new YoukuPageProcessor())
			// use custmize pipeline for youku 为优酷自定义的 Pipeline
			.AddPipeline(new YoukuPipeline());
		spider.Downloader = new HttpClientDownloader();
		spider.ThreadNum = 1;
		spider.EmptySleepTime = 3000;

		// Start crawler 启动爬虫


	public class YoukuPipeline : BasePipeline
		private static long count = 0;

		public override void Process(params ResultItems[] resultItems)
			foreach (var resultItem in resultItems)
				StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
				foreach (YoukuVideo entry in resultItem.Results["VideoResult"])
					builder.Append($" [YoukuVideo {count}] {entry.Name}");

			// Other actions like save data to DB. 可以自由实现插入数据库或保存到文件

	public class YoukuPageProcessor : BasePageProcessor
		protected override void Handle(Page page)
			// 利用 Selectable 查询并构造自己想要的数据对象
			var totalVideoElements = page.Selectable.SelectList(Selectors.XPath("//div[@class='yk-pack pack-film']")).Nodes();
			List<YoukuVideo> results = new List<YoukuVideo>();
			foreach (var videoElement in totalVideoElements)
				var video = new YoukuVideo();
				video.Name = videoElement.Select(Selectors.XPath(".//img[@class='quic']/@alt")).GetValue();

			// Save data object by key. 以自定义KEY存入page对象中供Pipeline调用
			page.AddResultItem("VideoResult", results);

			// Add target requests to scheduler. 解析需要采集的URL
			//foreach (var url in page.Selectable.SelectList(Selectors.XPath("//ul[@class='yk-pages']")).Links().Nodes())
			//	page.AddTargetRequest(new Request(url.GetValue(), null));

	public class YoukuVideo
		public string Name { get; set; }


Configurable Entity Spider

View compelte Codes

public class JdSkuSampleSpider : EntitySpider
	public JdSkuSampleSpider() : base("JdSkuSample", new Site
		//HttpProxyPool = new HttpProxyPool(new KuaidailiProxySupplier("快代理API"))

	protected override void MyInit(params string[] arguments)
		ThreadNum = 1;
		// dowload html by http client
		Downloader = new HttpClientDownloader();

		// storage data to mysql, default is mysql entity pipeline, so you can comment this line. Don't miss sslmode.
		AddPipeline(new MySqlEntityPipeline("Database='mysql';Data Source=localhost;User ID=root;Password=;Port=3306;SslMode=None;"));
		AddStartUrl(",653,655&page=2&JL=6_0_0&ms=5#J_main", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name", "手机" }, { "cat3", "655" } });

	[Table("test", "jd_sku", TableSuffix.Monday, Indexs = new[] { "Category" }, Uniques = new[] { "Category,Sku", "Sku" })]
	[EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")]
	[TargetUrlsSelector(XPaths = new[] { "//span[@class=\"p-num\"]" }, Patterns = new[] { @"&page=[0-9]+&" })]
	public class Product : SpiderEntity
		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@data-sku", Length = 100)]
		public string Sku { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "name", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment, Length = 100)]
		public string Category { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "cat3", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment)]
		public int CategoryId { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "./div[1]/a/@href")]
		public string Url { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "./div[5]/strong/a")]
		public long CommentsCount { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = ".//div[@class='p-shop']/@data-shop_name", Length = 100)]
		public string ShopName { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = ".//div[@class='p-name']/a/em", Length = 100)]
		public string Name { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@venderid", Length = 100)]
		public string VenderId { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@jdzy_shop_id", Length = 100)]
		public string JdzyShopId { get; set; }

		[PropertyDefine(Expression = "Monday", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment)]
		public DateTime RunId { get; set; }

public static void Main()
	Startup.Run(new string[] { "-s:JdSkuSample", "-tid:JdSkuSample", "-i:guid" });

WebDriver Support

When you want to collect a page JS loaded, there is only one thing to do, set the downloader to WebDriverDownloader.

Downloader=new WebDriverDownloader(Browser.Chrome);

See a complete sample


  1. Make sure there is a ChromeDriver.exe in bin forlder when you try to use Chrome. You can contain it to your project via NUGET manager: Chromium.ChromeDriver
  2. Make sure you already add a *.webdriver Firefox profile when you try to use Firefox:
  3. Make sure there is a PhantomJS.exe in bin folder when you try to use PhantomJS. You can contain it to your project via NUGET manager: PhantomJS

Monitor and Database log

  1. Set SystemConnection in app.config, only support mysql so far.
  2. Run a spider then check data in database: dotnetspider, there are 3 tables: log, status, task_running

Web Manager

  1. Beta


when you use redis scheduler, please update your redis config:

timeout 0 
tcp-keepalive 60


  • A lot of restruct
  • Use DataObject instead of JObject for performace reason
  • Move entity validation to EntitySpider class, then we can detected issues when try to add a Entity class before run a spider.
  • Use App.config instead of config.ini
  • Framework will detect a pipeline from App.config(MySql or SqlServer) if user did not add.
  • Upgrade to .NET CORE 2.0
  • Use multi target framework instead of two solution
  • Downgrade to .NET 45(Before is .NET451)
  • Fix some issues.
  • Make cdate as a default column, and it's the time when insert one row.
  • The type of property will map to database colum MySql: int->int(11), long->bigint(20), float->float, double->double, datetime->timestamp, string without length->text, string->varchar(n)

SqlServer: int->int(4),long->bigint(8),float->float,double->float,datetime->datetime,string without length->nvarchar(8000),string->nvarchar(n)


QQ Group: 477731655 Email: [email protected]


DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library similar to WebMagic and Scrapy. It is a lightweight ,efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for .NET







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  • C# 57.5%
  • HTML 42.5%