A list of Java obfuscators, obfuscated samples and benchmarks.
│ ├───src
│ │ └───... (source files)
│ └───bin
│ └───TEST.jar (compiled benchmark)
└───... (obfuscated samples)
( Pass, Fail, Error, Unknown[No output,etc.] )
You may find something more in the source view
Obfuscator | Test#1 | Test#2 | Performance | Size |
None | PPPPPPP | PPPPPPPP | 27ms | 29KB |
Grunt | EEEEPEE | EPPEEEPE | E | 124KB |
dProtect | PPPPPPP | FPFEEEUP | 31ms | 21KB |
ProGuard | PPPPPPP | FPPEEEUP | 26ms | 15KB |
Radon3 | EEPPEFE | FPFEEPEF | E | 269KB |
Bozar | PPPPPPP | FPFEEPPF | 201ms | 513KB |
Caesium | PPPPPFP | FFPPPPPP | 50ms | 174KB |
Scuti | EEPPPPP | FPFEEPEF | 867ms | 151KB |
BranchLock | PPPPPPP | FPFEEPFF | 65ms | 66KB |
Neon | PPPPPPP | PPFPPPEP | 7439ms | 53KB |
Ambien | EEPPPEP | FPPEEPUF | 28ms | 56KB |
qProtect-Lite | PPPPPPP | FPPPEPPP | 69ms | 139KB |
zelix KlassMaster20.0.3 | PPPPPPP | FPPPEPPP | 54ms | 83KB |
BranchLock Pro | PPPPPPP | FPPPEPFF | E | 256KB |
Eskid | PPPPEPP | FPPPEPEP | 530ms | 166KB |
ClassGuard | PPPPPPP | PPPPEPPP | 36ms | 2820KB |
JNIC-3.5.1 | PPPPPPP | FPPPEPPP | 481ms | 89KB |
OpenJNIC | PPPPPPP | FPPPEPPP | 28ms | 304KB |
native-obfuscator(win cmake) | PPPPPPP | PPPPPPPP | 1597ms | 120KB |
j2cc | PPPPPPP | PPPPPPPP | 172ms | 304KB |
Allatori | PPPPPPP | FPFEEPPF | 54ms | 27KB |
Stringer | PPPPPPP | PPPPEPPP | 92ms | 306KB |
ZKM | PPPPPPP | FPPEEEUP | 51ms | 79KB |
Skidfuscator | PPPPPPP | FPPPPFPP | 734ms | 118KB |
SkidfuscatorEnterprise | PPPPPPP | FPPPPEPP | 4274ms | 158KB |
SkidfuscatorEnterpriseLeak | PPPPPPP | FPFPEEEF | 10055ms | 138KB |
superblaubeere27 | PPPPPPP | FPPPEPPP | 47ms | 223KB |
SafeNet | PPEPPPP | FPPEFEPE | 239ms | 21865KB |
Obfuscators that meets one of the following conditions goes here:
- We don't have a copy of, and haven't yet answered (or refused) our request to provide us with an example.
- Requested a DMCA takedown.
- Unmaintained or don't have an email in their intro page, and we are unable to run.
DashO, nProtect
Test 1.1: Inheritance
Test 1.2: Cross
Test 1.3: Throw
Test 1.4: Accuracy
Test 1.5: SubClass
Test 1.6: Pool
Test 1.7: InnerClass
Test 2.1: Counter
Test 2.2: Chinese
Test 2.3: Resource
Test 2.4: Field
Test 2.5: Loader
Test 2.6: ReTrace
Test 2.7: Annotation
Test 2.8: Sec
Please feel free to contribute to this repository by opening a pull request.
Do not forget to add the obfuscator to the list above.
If you are the owner of one of the obfuscators and you want me to remove it from this repository, please contact me by opening an issue.
This repository is for educational purposes only. The author of this repository is not responsible for any damage caused
by the code in this repository. The code in this repository is not intended to be used for malicious purposes.
The benchmarks in this repository are not intended to be used for comparing the performance of the obfuscators. The
benchmarks are only intended to show the obfuscators' capabilities.
The efficiency is evaluated through the time it takes the obfuscated program to perform a certain set of computations.
This may vary depending on the machine used to run the benchmarks, and the results may not be accurate.
Only compatibility and efficiency are tested here. But you should choose wisely among strength, compatibility,
efficiency, size, and price.
The samples in this repository may be malicious. Do not run them on your machine.