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benrhodges authored Oct 28, 2018
1 parent 1169ba0 commit 0d8a54c
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Showing 71 changed files with 15,840 additions and 0 deletions.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Apr 18 16:27:13 2018
@author: brh
class Adjustments:
def adjust_spatial_inconsistent_flowrates(self, el, fa, setting, NX):
Handle inconsistent flow rate that can result from non-smooth
bathymetry. Ad hoc adjustment when both the faces have a different
velocity sign than the element.
import numpy as np

# the cells where the flowrate sign is opposite from the face flow
# rates
aa = (np.sign(el['flowrate'][:]) *np.sign(fa['flowrate'][0:NX]) < 0 ) \
& (np.sign(el['flowrate'][:]) *np.sign(fa['flowrate'][1:NX+1]) < 0)\
& (abs(fa['flowrate'][0:NX]) > setting.flowrate_zero_value) \
& (abs(fa['flowrate'][1:NX+1]) > setting.flowrate_zero_value)

tmp1 = fa['flowrate'][0:NX]
tmp2 = fa['flowrate'][1:NX+1]

el['isadhocflowrate'][aa] = True

# Set flowrate on element to a simple weighted value of faces
el['flowrate'][aa] = 0.5 * (tmp1[aa] + tmp2[aa])
el['velocity'][aa] = el['flowrate'][aa] / el['area'][aa]

return el

def adjust_Vshaped_flows(self, el, fa, setting, NX):
Damps a V-shaped flow rate across an element
import numpy as np

# detect V-shaped flow rate at a grid cell
isVshape = np.sign(fa['flowrate'][0:NX] - el['flowrate'][:]) \
* np.sign(fa['flowrate'][1:NX+1] - el['flowrate'][:]) > 0

# # only adjust cells that are not part of a hydraulic jump
# isVshape = isVshape & (fa['jumptype'][0:NX] == 0) \
# & (fa['jumptype'][1:NX+1] == 0)

# TEST replace with simple average
#el['temp1'][:] = 0.5 * (fa['flowrate'][0:NX] + fa['flowrate'][1:NX+1])

# replace with a time-scaled average
el['temp1'][:] = ( \
el['tscale_up'][:] * fa['flowrate'][1:NX+1] \
+ el['tscale_dn'][:] * fa['flowrate'][0:NX] ) \
/ ( el['tscale_up'][:] + el['tscale_dn'][:])

el['temp1'][0] = el['flowrate'][0]
el['temp1'][NX-1] = el['flowrate'][NX-1]

#el['flowrate'][isVshape] = el['temp1'][isVshape]

# Blending the V-adjusted velocity with the original velocity
# if setting.method_Q_adjust_Vshape_coef = 1.0, then we get
# just the V-adjusted velocity.
el['flowrate'][isVshape] \
= setting.method_Q_adjust_Vshape_coef * el['temp1'][isVshape] \
+ (1.0 - setting.method_Q_adjust_Vshape_coef) \
* el['flowrate'][isVshape]

return el

def negative_volume_reset(self, el, setting):

aa = el['volume'][:] <= setting.volume_zero_value

el['volume'][aa] = setting.volume_zero_value

return el
def flowrate_oscillation_damping(self, el, fa, geo, setting, NX):

import sys

# treating the damping coeffienct as a simple velocity fraction
if setting.method_Q_damp_oscillation_type == 'linear_simple':
el['temp1'][1:NX-1] = setting.method_Q_damp_oscillation_coef \
* ( fa['flowrate'][1:NX-1] \
-2.0 * el['flowrate'][1:NX-1] \
+ fa['flowrate'][2:NX] )

el['flowrate'][1:NX-1] = el['flowrate'][1:NX-1] \
+ el['temp1'][1:NX-1]

# treating the damping coefficient as a viscosity
elif setting.method_Q_damp_oscillation_type == 'linear_viscous':
el['temp1'][1:NX-1] = setting .method_Q_damp_oscillation_coef \
* ( setting.dt / (geo['length'][1:NX-1]**2.0) ) \
* ( fa['flowrate'][1:NX-1] \
-2.0 * el['flowrate'][1:NX-1] \
+ fa['flowrate'][2:NX] )

el['flowrate'][1:NX-1] = el['flowrate'][1:NX-1] \
+ el['temp1'][1:NX-1]
print('error unknown value for setting.method_Q_damp_oscillation_type')

el['velocity'][:] = el['flowrate'][:] / el['area'][:]

return el

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 5 09:13:52 2018
@author: brh

class BoundaryConditions:

def flow(self, setting):

flow = setting.inflowBC

return flow

def height(self, setting):

height = setting.heightBC

return height
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 12 08:13:32 2018
@author: brh

class CaseFlowOverBump:

def setting_CaseFlowOverBump(self, setting):

setting.IC_type = 'custom'

setting.cfl_max = 0.7# 1.7# 1.7

# CFL below which dt can be increased.
setting.cfl_increase_dt = 0.6 #1.5# 1.5

# geometry case
setting.geometry_case = 'flow_over_a_bump'
setting.flow_over_a_bump_NX = 128
setting.mannings_n_use_global_default = True
setting.mannings_n_global_default = 0.0
setting.inflowBC = 0.18
setting.heightBC = 0.33

setting.IC_type = 'custom'

setting.depth_small_value = 0.001

setting.method_Q_damp_oscillation_coef = 0.1
setting.method_Q_damp_oscillation_type = None

setting.method_Q_adjust_Vshape = True
setting.method_Q_adjust_Vshape_coef = 1.0

setting.dt = 0.01
# total simulation time
setting.time_total = 300
# units for simulation time
setting.time_units = 'seconds'
# maximum number of time steps in this simulation
setting.steps_max = 50000

setting.print_debug_iterstart = 1

# Real-time print controls during simulation
# time_header is various debug information as simulation progresses
setting.print_time_header_step_interval = 1# 50

# controls for ploting at command line
setting.plot_time_interval = 0.01# 1.0
# iterstart allows plotting to be delayed so as to not waste time
# plotting during ramp-up time.
setting.plot_iterstart = 0

# ramp up of initial conditions.
setting.inflow_rampup = True
setting.inflow_rampup_time = 100
setting.inflow_rampup_time_units = 'seconds'
setting.flowrate_IC = 0.01 # for rampup

setting.txtout_writedata_timeinterval = 2.0

setting.binsave_timeinterval = 5

setting.method_hydjump_face = 'momentum_match'

setting.method_eta_interpolation = 'linear'

setting.method_area_interpolation = 'timescale'
setting.method_flowrate_interpolation = 'timescale'
setting.method_perimeter_interpolation = 'timescale'
setting.method_topwidth_interpolation = 'timescale'

setting.method_rungekutta = 'rk4_classic'#'ssp_(6,4)'#'rk4_3/8'# 'rk4_3/8'

return setting

def get_number_of_cells(self,setting):
define the number of cells in a reach
NX = setting.flow_over_a_bump_NX

return NX

def get_number_of_widthdepth_pairs(self,setting):
define the number of widthdepth pairs in a reach
# HACK need to match to case geometry for widthdepth channel definition
npair = 0

return npair

def define_geometry(self, geo, setting, NX):
flow over a bump as found in paper by Catella, Paris, and Solari (2008)
import sys
import numpy as np

# note that only the rectangular channel has a defined solution
# in the code
use_rectangular_channel = True

use_uniform_lengths = True
#use_uniform_lengths = False

#length of domain (m)
setting.geometry_total_length = 50# 25 #50

# rectangular channel
if use_rectangular_channel == True:
geo['etype'][:] = 'rectangular_channel'
setting.geometry_channel_type = 'rectangular'
geo['breadth'][:] = 1.0;
# test of a parabolic channel where
# z(y) = Ay^2 or y(z) = sqrt( z / A)
# A = ??
#geo['etype'][:] = 'parabolic_channel'
#geo['parabolic_value'][:] = 0.587 # 0.587provides same area as rectangle at 0.33 depth

# test of trapezoidal channel
geo['etype'][:] = 'trapezoidal_channel'
setting.geometry_channel_type = 'trapezoidal'
geo['breadth'][:] = 0.835 # bottom breadth
geo['trapezoid_angle'][:] = 60.0 #angle, in degrees
geo['trapezoid_angle'][:] = np.deg2rad(geo['trapezoid_angle'][:]) # convert to radians

# test of general channel
# make sure that setting.geometry_number_widthdepth_pairs
# is equal to the maximum size defined.
# geo['etype'][:] = 'widthdepth_pair'
# setting.geometry_channel_type = 'widthdepth_pair'
# for ii in range(0,NX):
# geo['widthdepth'][ii,0,0:2] = [0.7, 0.0]
# geo['widthdepth'][ii,1,0:2] = [0.75, 0.1]
# geo['widthdepth'][ii,2,0:2] = [0.75 , 0.2]
# geo['widthdepth'][ii,3,0:2] = [1.0 , 0.3]
# geo['widthdepth'][ii,4,0:2] = [1.1 , 0.4]
# geo['widthdepth'][ii,5,0:2] = [1.2 , 1.0]

if use_uniform_lengths == True:
# uniform element lengths over reach
geo['length'][:] = setting.geometry_total_length / NX
baselength = setting.geometry_total_length / NX
dx = [+0.2, 0.0, +0.05, -0.15, 0.0, +0.18, 0.0, 0.0, -0.08, -0.20, 0.0 ]
kk = 0
for ii in range(0,NX):
#print(ii,NX,kk, len(dx))
geo['length'][ii] = baselength * (1.0 + dx[kk])
kk = kk+1
if kk >= len(dx):
kk = 0
tlen = sum(geo['length'][0:ii])
if tlen > setting.geometry_total_length:
if ii == NX-1:
tlen = sum(geo['length'][0:ii-1])
geo['length'][ii] = setting.geometry_total_length -tlen
print(ii, NX, tlen)
print('problem in setup of nonuniform length')

# x values measured from upstream face as x=0
geo['xvalue'][0] = geo['length'][0]/2
for ii in range(1,NX):
geo['xvalue'][ii] = geo['xvalue'][ii-1] \
+ 0.5*(geo['length'][ii-1] + geo['length'][ii])

# z values for Catella et al 2008 flow over bump
geo['zbottom'][:] = 0.2 - 0.05 * ((geo['xvalue'][:] - 10.0)**2.0)

aa = geo['xvalue'][:] < 8.0
geo['zbottom'][aa] = 0
bb = geo['xvalue'][:] > 12.0
geo['zbottom'][bb] = 0

return [geo, setting]


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