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#  W A R N I N G  -  P R E - R E L E A S E
#  =======================================
#  This release is not yet meant to be used by other people. I just need the GIT repo to test my installation
#  procedures. Usually, I would update the README and check that everything is working properly, before pushing,
#  but not this time. Since I last updated this readme, a lot has changed!
#  If you actually try to run Curia Chat yourself and run into problems, or just want to try it out on a live server,
#  feel free to contact me on
#  (Given, that the chat isn't currently crashing there ;-)

                                                  Curia Chat README
                                        copy(l)eft 2020
                                                 Updated for v0.4.8a


	1. Introduction
	2. Overview
	3. Files
		3.1. Entry points
		3.2. Directory structure
		3.3. Purpose of the files
		3.4. Security considerations
	4. Mode of operation
		4.1. App initialization
		4.2. Messages
		4.3. Request types
		4.4. Response types
		4.5. Local commands and HELP_TEXT[]
	5. Setup instructions
	6. Miscellaneous hints
		6.1. Browser can't see old webcam
		6.2. N900 as WebCam
		6.3. Make your server talk
		6.4. Set login name
	7. TODO
	8. Issues


Initially, I was hoping to create a very simple program, that would allow any person without technical inclination to
run the server on their home computers, but after reading up on WebRTC, I fear, that goal might not be achievable.
Further research is still going on.

For Curia Chat to run, a web server capable of running NodeJS programs is needed, as well as a TURN server, if video
conferencing should work. I chose a random TURN server "coturn" and found, that it had a lot of options. I will try to
provide an easy to read setup guide for the release version of Curia Chat, or perhaps find some alternative ways of
making things work.

Curia Chat offers a user interface somewhat similar to IRC. This interface is mainly intended to serve as testing
ground for programming WebRTC video chat connections. The final version is going to provide a very different user
interface, optimised for being used on tablets and smart phones. The text mode may be hidden altogether.


The user navigates to the web site, containing the client HTML/JavaScript files in their browser. Before they can
participate in the chat, a nick name has to be chosen. Curia Chat does not provide any registraion mechanism,
the nick name just has to be not in use at the time. Once "logged" in, the user can type text and have it sent to the
current chat room. Commands are sent to the server in the same way, they just begin with a slash "/" character.

For WebRTC ICE negotiation (akin to STUN), a special message type  *.SIGNAL  is used. Once logged in, users can invite
each other to video calls and ideally a peer-to-peer connection is started. Should a NAT or firewall prevent a direct
connection, an external TURN server can relay the streams as a fallback. I chose "coturn", when initially writing this

Curia Chat offers a few non-essential features, like profile settings, etc. These are considered "extensions" to the
bare minimum chat system.



./index.html                    Web site's home page
./client/index.html             Chat client
./client/main.js                DOM abstraction, application start
./client/chat_client.js         The actual chat client
./server/main.js                Minimalistic HTTP server, creates the web socket, starts the chat server
./server/chat_server.js         The actual chat server
./server/        Script that allows the server to restart (calls "node main.js" in a loop)


./                              Document root. Contains a welcome page that links to the actual chat client.

./client/                       Files of Curia Chat Client, as they are to be delivered to the browser.
./client/images/                Pictures used in the client
./client/images/icons/          Pictures used in the user interface (button icons, etc.)
./client/images/browsers/       Icons indicating, which browser a user is using
./client/ui/                    All scripts that deal with the user interface. Sounds, custom elements, YouTube.
./client/calls/                 WebRTC video call functions
./client/extensions/            All other functions that are not part of the bare bone text chat

./server/                       NodeJS files for the server. Also contains .
./server/data/                  Account data of registered users
./server/secrets/               SSL keys
./server/node_modules           Stuff created by NodeJS

./scripts/                      Some non-essential/experimental server side scripts. E.g. fetching news from


./index.html   Web site's home page. Essentially just linking to the client in ./client/index.html

./client/.htaccess              Control caching etc, when used with the Apache HTTP server
./client/index.html             Client main file, includes init.js
./client/main.css               Styles (Layout, chat content, custom HTML elements)
./client/manual.html            Parsed and displayed in the client.
                                May be made to look good standalone, too, and moved to ./ in the future.
./client/main.js                body.onload and the  Application()  object. Instantiates an instance of  ChatClient() .
./client/chat_client.js         Chat client main file. Deals with user input and displays server responses
./client/helpers.js             Common utility functions like formatting time, accesing DOM, etc.
./client/constants.js           Application settings and chat protocol definition
./client/localize.js            "Database" of strings translated to various languages.

./client/ui/user_interface.js   Singleton/interface to all UI functions. Re-publishes methods of other UI objects.
./client/ui/tabbed_pages.js     Create and manage tabs, let them blink, etc.
./client/ui/command_buttons.js  Create/update buttons at the bottom (e.g. indicates if a device is activated)
./client/ui/dialog.js           Simple modal popup dialog
./client/ui/knobs.js            Custom HTML element, similar to <input type="range"> in function
./client/ui/sounds.js           WebAudio sounds used for ringing and beeping
./client/ui/analyser.js         Debug tool showing an oscilloscope for various audio sources
./client/ui/youtube.js          Wrapper for the YT API

./client/calls/video_call.js    All functions used by the client to control video chats
./client/calls/rtc_session.js   Handles actual connection between call participants
./client/calls/signaler.js      Channels information between RTC clients during ICE using REQUEST.SIGNAL messages

./client/extensions/avatar.js        Resizes uploaded images and stores them in the browser's local storage
./client/extensions/history.js       Remembers, what the user has typed in and lets them retreive previous entries
./client/extensions/json_editor.js   Displays settings, used with the "/server set" command
./client/extensions/user_list.js     Manages the contents of the "Users" tab
./client/extensions/user_profile.js  Profile editor for uploading an avatar image, changing the email address, etc.

./server/.htaccess              Redirects all HTTP requests on this directory to the README file (Apache web server)
./server/index.html             Actually a PHP script, used with .htaccess on Apache web servers

./server/        Starts  main.js  in a loop, so the server can be restarted with "/server restart"
./server/main.js                Providing an https- and wss-server, starts the actual chat server
./server/chat_server.js         Handles client connections, parses the chat protocol, calls the appropriate handlers
./server/constants.js           Server settings and chat protocol definition
./server/debug.js               Debug settings, manages server log
./server/helpers.js             Common utility functions
./server/accounts.js            "Database" functions for persistent user account data
./server/users.js               Manage currently connected users
./server/rooms.js               Manage currently opened rooms and who is in them
./server/calls.js               Manage invites to calls, hang ups, etc.
./server/snapshots.js           Distribute avatar images gathered from web cams
./server/server_manager.js      Allow admins to change server settings

./server/data/.htaccess         Flat out denies all access to this directory (Apache web server)
./server/data/user_data.json    Current "database" of all persistent user account data
./server/data/user_data.json.*  Backups, created every time, when the above file is written to

./server/data/.htaccess         Flat out denies all access to this directory (Apache web server)
./server/secrets/server.crt     Public SSL key for the built-in HTTPS server and the web socket
./server/secrets/server.key     Private SSL key for the built-in HTTPS server and the web socket

The folders ./server/data/ and ./server/secrets/ contain sensitive information. These files should never be located
inside the DOCUMENT_ROOT of the web server. The current file structure does not reflect this and is subject to being
changed accordingly. As long as I don't misconfigure my Apache web server, the .htaccess files should protect these
folders, though.


4.1. App initialization

The "boot" process runs as follows:
1) index.html Contains the HTML structure for the chat, includes CSS, and loads  main.js .
2) main.js retreives DOM objects as defined in  constants.js: DOM{} , GET parameters and passes this information on
   to  Application() , which initializes generic things like error handling, etc.
3)  Application()  creates an instance of  ChatClient()  and is not involved in chat operations beyond this.
4) Chat client provides the means to send text commands to the server via a web socket.
5) The  VideoCall()  object provides funcionality for voice/video chats.
6) Each call triggers instantiating of individual  RtcConnection()  objects, which handle WebRTC streaming.

As of Curia Chat v0.4.8a, only point-to-point connections are handled. If you want to have a conference of several
users, everyone needs to call each other participant individually. The graphical UI is NOT working perfectly in this

4.2. Messages
Connection to the server is implemented using a WebSocket. Messages from a browser to the server are called "requests",
answers/messages from the server are called "responses". Messages are sent as stringified JSON objects and have the
following base structure:

	message_json = {
		type: REQUEST.* or RESPONSE.*,
		time: unix timestamp,
		data: depends on context. May be a string or another object.

While most messages from the client to the server are of type  REQUEST.STANDARD_MESSAGE , most of the responses from
the server have their own type, in order to prevent sending actual markup. This way, another client may be written for
any environment, even if HTML is not supported, and localization is made possible.

4.3. Request types
Five types of messages are used in the Curia Chat client v0.4.8a:

	REQUEST.CLIENT_INFO          Tell the server about the client's capabilities, used browser, etc.
	REQUEST.PONG                 Respond to a RESPONSE.PING or get disconnected.
	REQUEST.NAME_CHANGE          Request setting the users's name in the chat, when not yet logged in.
	REQUEST.STANDARD_MESSAGE     Message to be sent to everyone or /chatcommands.
	REQUEST.VIDEO_CALLEE_READY   Part of initiating a video call. May not be neccessary anymore.
	REQUEST.SIGNAL               Once a video connection is established, SIGNAL messages are used for STUN/ICE.
	REQUEST.UPDATE_AVATAR        Temporarily change the avatar image ("Webcam Snapshot").
	REQUEST.UNLOAD               Special message, when the user closes the browser window.
	REQUEST.REMOTE_ERROR_REPORT  For debugging, errors in the browsers are displayed in other clients, too.

4.4. Response types
Every message, the server sends to one or more clients, has its own type and may have a special format for the "data"
property, depending on the message. A complete list of request and response types can be found in  constants.js .

4.5. Local commands and HELP_TEXT[]
Before sending a command to the server, the command is inspected and possibly handled locally in the client. For
instance, when using the private message command without a text, i.e. "/msg someuser", a new tab is opened and the
command is not sent to the server.


- This page intentionally left blank -


6.1. Browser can't see old webcam
user@node:~ $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ chromium

6.2. N9900 as WebCam
# Send images from the N900:
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! videoscale! video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! jpegenc ! multipartmux ! tcpserversink host= po

# Receive images in Ubuntu and pipe them into /dev/video1:
sudo gst-launch tcpclientsrc host= port=5000 ! multipartdemux ! jpegdec ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1

6.3. Make your server talk
<pre><?php # espeak.php

if (isset( $_REQUEST['text'] )) {
	$text = $_REQUEST['text'];
	$command = "/usr/bin/sudo /data/bin/arch_bin/ '$text'";
	echo shell_exec( $command );

	$command = "/usr/bin/sudo /data/bin/arch_bin/ '$text'";
	echo shell_exec( $command );

6.4. Set login name
You can set a preferred name in the link to the chat. When the name is not in use, you will be logged in automatically:
$ chromium


[ ] Turn user password is shown. Either don't show it or also offer to change the turn auth secret

[ ] Embed wikipedia etc (black board mode)
[ ] Fix data file creation - don't do it in accounts, also move accounts to flat_file_db
[?] Don't scroll, while scrolled up and mouse over chat main area

[ ] Remove sensitive data from SETTINGS when no longer needed there
[ ] Console output not uniform: color_log( color, 'CAPTION:' ... ) with/without : - colon should be white
#hidden_controllers: Use fragment instead

notifications: data-type - events remove certain notifications (calling - accepted removes calling)

[ ] Set a room to "logged" and restore contents to re-logged in users
[ ] Cookie Disclaimer
[ ] Preferences: Notification delay
[ ] Don't PM oneself
[*] PMs: HTML not filtered!?
[ ] /html in PM: Crash!
[ ] Media Links: Also process und URL shortened vids
[ ] Media Links: Option: Show "Embed" button instead of automatically embedding
[ ] 14 hours, 18 minues (don't show seconds)
[ ] /attention should only blink the tab, where it was issued, not automatically open a PM
[ ] emitEvent: params --> user name, etc
[ ] attention not playing morse code
[ ] User enters room - missing in Aula? (on login)
[ ] Clock --> Chat, Pausenklingel, etc
[ ] SETTINGS from file
[ ] Preferences: Morsecode volume!
[ ] Individually control user's stream volumes
[ ] Volume slider: Use logarithmic scale
[ ] Tabs: Pinned tabs (mandatory?)
[ ] Preferences: Show certain types of messages
[ ] Friendlist, only sho connection/join messages for friend
[ ] Upload/store files
[ ] Remove the need to ask someone to make their mike input louder
[ ] Audiomixer
[ ] Remove mike volume setting (let me tune up peer's mike)

Not reported: Internal error: hangUp: No session with user chromium[labor] found.

[ ] Replace "Object.keys(obj).forEach()" with "for(let key in obj)"
[ ] thh: IE test
[ ] Can the TURN server sniff content?
[ ] Restart-warning /server restart [minutes] + url update for auto-login
[ ] Links in topic
[ ] Registered-only-rooms / voice requiring registration
[ ] Don't add button commands to history
[~] ./server/data folder not transferred with websync
[ ] Send text, while Log tab open --> posted to main_room

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1141:16)
Emitted 'error' event on Writable instance at:
    at ClientRequest.eventHandlers.<computed> (/var/www/clients/client1/web5/web/stubs/web_rtc/chat/server/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:13:24)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:432:9)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:84:8)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) {
  errno: -110,
  code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 80
[ ] Login with unregistered name but password: Show hint to use /register. If not registered, name is freed after a day
[ ] /call without name no longer working
[ ] /script *'', '_blank' )
[ ] Android VM?
[ ] /away: Show reason in User List
[ ] /away: Cursive indicating away, not op
[ ] /away: "Excuse me"-function /away <reason> (Toilet, swatting in progress...) - showing time
[ ] /away: Keep track of times - away - class attendance - /start lesson
[ ] Allow users to send messages to my email address
[ ] Add command button: Do real update, don't re-create everything
[ ] main_room --> log, no longer move stuff to first tab
[ ] Password accepted --> localized SUCCESSES.PASSWORD_ACCEPTED
[ ] Save Changes: Disabled as long as there are no changes to save
[ ] Add new streams to analyser, if it already runs
[ ] User closes window while connection open: Terminate connection (remove end call from peers)
[?] rtcSession: removeLocalStream AND remove_remote_stream ??
[ ] Rename local_stream into stream_description or so, both videoCall and rtcConnection
[ ] /rsay
[ ] Auto-accept
[ ] Store my settings on the server
[ ] Server pushes collected snapshots every n seconds instead of sending data urls with user updates
[ ] Performance statistics and settings for the teacher (Warning, when traffic gets too high, ie. too many snapshots)
[ ] Auto-adjust performance (snapshot interval)
[ ] /login name password --> automatic name change?
[ ] /logout
[ ] User: Last activity
[ ] Profile: Leave message
[ ] Profile: Alert levels: Show any activity, only my name is mentioned, ...
[ ] /profile update [name | email | avatar | password] <new value> <password>
[!] Don't store sensitive commands in history or remove the password
[ ] /leave should also use tab history
[ ] Wrong order:
2020-04-12 18:03:24 Client ::ffff: (chromium[senex]) hat die Verbundung zum Chat beendet.
2020-04-12 18:03:24 chromium[senex] verlässt den Raum.
[ ] Tab: Devices (List, prevuew test button)
[ ] Call: Raise PM Tab on incoming call invitation, blink tab synchronous with sound
[ ] Call: Display accept/reject buttons correctly, when more than one call incoming/outgoing
[ ] Call: Cancel/Accept incoming in Users tab
[ ] Call: Blink device command buttons, when none active in call
[ ] Call: Icon indicating peer-to-peer/peer-turn-peer
[ ] Call: Push to talk (also profile setting)
[ ] /call in PM --> add user name
[ ] Video: Mute microphone/camera option
[ ] Video: Pause on <video> --> pause sending, too
[ ] Room list: Store, which state the user already has and only send updates, if relevant/changed
[ ] Rooms: /lock /unlock /invite --> /accept? /join?
[*] UI: Tabs optional. Alternatively use only single screens and "Back" buttons
[ ] UI: Use real placeholder in text input
[ ] UI: Alert, when my name is typed
[ ] UI: Autocomplete names with TAB
[ ] UI: Dark Mode
[ ] UI: Check client device DPI
[ ] File Transfer: interval checking temp folder, deleting old files
[!] Server: Move stuff to SETTINGS.*
[!] Server: systemd service as less privileged user
[!] Server: Proper error messages
	/msg   - Unknown user "undefined"
	/reject /cancel  without call
[ ] Server: Max. users
[?] Help: /help all no longer needed?
[ ] Code: MESSAGE OUT > name_change happens before CHAT_CONNECTION.CONNECTED, wait for that
[ ] Code: array.indexOf( search ) >= 0  --> array.includes()
[ ] /img /sound /js --> /html
[ ] /deadkick <user> [<timeout>] - Send JS, kick if no reply
[ ]<online> on start page of HIO

[!] Fix secrets
[ ] Use as standalone server
[ ] package.json (start/stop, etc)
[ ] Environment variables for certain SETTINGS
[ ] Code format? (white space)
[ ] Tests
[ ] Setup for systemd-service, run as user "curia"
[ ] Help create let's encrypt certs
[ ] Check //... tags
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

[ ] Talking Circle
[ ] Normal rooms vs. conference rooms (Everyone cross connected)
[ ] All names get a context menu
[ ] Multiline-messages
[ ] Forum
[ ] Tests
[ ] Hangman
[ ] Activity: Hourglass
[ ] Charade/Activity
[ ] Mental math for groups

[?] FF 75 required
[ ] Conn lost, relogin, anderer legt auf --> server crash
[ ] String "New content" stored in CSS, not localized
[?] Chromium: When video panel is shown, scrollbar of chat content area overlaps top border of form.inputs
[ ] Some error messages aren't caught
[ ] System error messages aren't localized


No description, website, or topics provided.






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