One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
Collection of awesome color schemes for Neo/vim, merged for quick use.
Allows for rearranging the elements in the status bar and sidebar ribbon
AutoRaise (and focus) a window when hovering over it with the mouse
Deskew is a command line tool for deskewing scanned text documents. It uses Hough transform to detect "text lines" in the image. As an output, you get an image rotated so that the lines are horizon…
A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
Generate PlantUML Diagrams inside
Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
Obsidian Importer lets you import notes from other apps and file formats into your Obsidian vault.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
🙇♂️ Instagram clone built with Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript on Twitch livestream!
A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
Integrate Git version control with automatic commit-and-sync and other advanced features in
Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
`document.domain` intentionally weakens the only security boundary we have. Perhaps we can dump it?
Confluent Schema Registry for Kafka
Spring Cloud Stream Java projects to accompany my session titled Drinking from the Stream
nililee / spring-5-recipes
Forked from Apress/spring-5-recipesSource code for 'Spring 5 Recipes' by Marten Deinum, Daniel Rubio, and Josh Long