Flutterw wraps flutter tool to support scripts and command hooks.
Flutter Tool is shipped with Flutter SDK every version with some changes. However, upgrading Flutter SDK version is not easy as projects maybe in production mode.
How to be benifited of the Flutter Tool changes without upgrading Flutter SDK is always confusing. Also, the Flutter Tool does not give chance to do extra work during command running.
To solve these (and other related) problems, flutterw is created.
Flutterw wraps flutter tool to support scripts and command hooks.
Hooks are pre, post and command scripts.
and post
scripts enable you to do extra work before and after running command
and command
scripts enable you to customize command behavior.
- Dispatch arguments to
if noscripts
configured inpubspec.yaml
- Scripts shortcut
flutterw <script>
scripts are executed before running commandcommand
scripts are executed to replace original commandpost:command
scripts are executed after running command- Use packages in Pub to enhance/replace
builtin commands- packages created by flutterw author
- flutterw_build_aar
- flutterw_clean (for example)
- packages created by community developers. (PRs are welcome!)
- packages created by flutterw author
The following projects are using Flutterw:
See Documentation for details.
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