a naive example of LivePortrait infer by ncnn
a Android demo of depth_anything_v1 and depth_anything_v2
an example of segment-anything infer by ncnn
Real time yolov8 Android demo by ncnn
c++ version of yolov5 segmentation with ncnn
naive c++ version of Mask2Former with ncnn
Android BlazePose demo by ncnn
ncnn demo of (文档矫正)DocTr: Document Image Transformer for Geometric Unwarping and Illumination Correction
a naive NCNN implementation of GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration
SSAT Makeup/Makeup Transfer infer by ncnn
a mediapipe-hand demo infer by ncnn
ncnn Android demo of PP-TinyPose
Android and Windows human matting demo infer by ncnn
This a demo of BlazeFace infer by ncnn
a demo of Animeganv2 infer by ncnn
Android demo of LightTrack infer by ncnn
Android CrowdCounting demo infer by ncnn
Android MoveNet pose estimation by ncnn
Android human segmentation by ncnn
Real time yolox Android demo by ncnn
segformer semantic segmentation infer by tengine
Android hair segmentation demo by ncnn