Brackulator is a simple but useful calculator that lives in your Brackets editor.
Although it's ready to use, it's still considered a work in progress. Feel free to jump in, if you think you can contribute!
Issues, suggestions, or anything of the nature [here] (https://github.com/i07/brackulator/issues).
CTRL-F1 will show the calculator in the bottom left of the brackets window, pressing CTRL-F1 again will hide it. It is also available in the View menu as 'Open brackulator'
On the calculator result pane:
- left mouse button double click : will clear the calculator ( like 'C' )
- right mouse button click : will copy the result to the clipboard
- right mouse button click + shift : will insert the result on the current cursor position in the editor.
To install.
- use brackets Extensions manager ( tip: search for 'brackulator' )
- or manually through extension manager by URL: https://github.com/i07/brackulator/archive/master.zip
- reload Brackets