OMA Lightweight M2M is a protocol for device and service management. The main purpose of this technology is to address service and management needs for constrained M2M devices, over a number of transports and bearers. The current stack for LWM2M relies on CoAP as the protocol.
Our solution involves development of an LWM2M server prototype, as well as, a client prototype, which make use of MQTT as the underlying M2M protocol. Thus LWM2M can be used for both CoAP, as well as, MQTT.
In this project we are using
- Leshan code
- Eclipse Paho client library to interact with MQTT broker
- An existing MQTT broker
In the first phase, we are providing the following LwM2M operations, in plain-text format
- Registration interface
- register
- update
- de-register
- Device Management & Service Enablement Interface
- read
- write
- write-attributes
- execute
- create
- delete
- deregister
- Information Reporting Interface
- observe
- notify
- cancel-observation
LWM2M over MQTT makes use of a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Eclipse
- Paho Client - Open source client implementation for M2M / IoT
- Leshan - OMA LwM2M implementation in java
- Open Source Mosquitto Broker - This MQTT broker is hosted at eclipse
- git repository - Githubs repository where the artifacts are stored
To build this project, you must have ant installed. In the command console, run the following
$ ant clean
$ ant build
This will build the project and generate the jars for
- LeshanStandalone.jar - The lwm2m server over MQTT
- LwM2MRaspiClient.jar - The lwm2m client over MQTT for Raspberry Pi
- LwM2MExampleClient.jar - The lwm2m client over MQTT for desktop machines
- - Properties file containing the connection details
Edit the to update mqtt broker, serverId, clientId and other parameters.
MQTT_SERVER = localhost
MQTT_PORT = 1883
ORGID = eclipse
SERVER_ID = 56783
Run the following command in command console to start the lwm2m server.
must be present in the same directory where you will run this program.
$ cd jars
//in windows
$ java -classpath ".;LeshanStandalone.jar;..\leshan.jar;..\org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.0.jar" leshan.standalone.LeshanStandalone
//in Linux
$ java -classpath ".:LeshanStandalone.jar:..\leshan.jar:..\org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.0.jar" leshan.standalone.LeshanStandalone
In your browser, open http://localhost:8080 to view the lwm2m server dashboard
Run the following command in command console to start the lwm2m Client.
must be present in the same directory where you will run this program.
$ cd jars
//In raspberry Pi
$ java -cp .:LwM2MRaspiClient.jar:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.0.jar:leshan.jar
//in windows
$ java -classpath ".;LwM2MExampleClient.jar;..\leshan.jar;..\org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.0.jar"
//in Linux
$ java -classpath ".:LwM2MExampleClient.jar:..\leshan.jar:..\org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.0.jar"
After the client starts, following commands will be displayed
List of available commands
register :: Register this client to server
deregister :: deregister this client from the server
update-register :: updates the registeration
update :: (update <resource-id> <value>) update a local resource value
get :: (get <resource-id>) get a local resource value
>> Available Object and resource
>> IPSO temperature Object - <3303/0>
>> 3303/0/5700 - SensorValue
>> 3303/0/5601 - Minimum Measured Value
>> 3303/0/5602 - Maximum Measured Value
>> 3303/0/5603 - Min Range Value
>> 3303/0/5604 - Max Range Value
Enter the command
- register - Run this command to register the device
- deregister - Run this command to remove this device's registeration
- update-register - Run this command to update this device's registeration
- update - update the local resource value of this device. In this example, we update the sensor value(3303/0/5700) to 43
Enter the command
update 3303/0/5700 43
- get - get the local resource value of this device. In this example, we get the sensor value(3303/0/5700)
Enter the command
get 3303/0/5700
All the updates that you do to the local resource can be viewed in the server's dashboard. So if you are running this client program from Raspberry Pi, you can view the live temperature.
- Bootstrap Interface
- Security
- Support TLV, Opaque and JSON message format
- Binding MQTT in Leshan client
- Write Tests
- Add Code Comments
- Eclipse Distribution License
- Eclipse Public License