create popup message information need to be confirm, or cancel
just copy my folder popUp to your project and import #popUp.h
#import "popUp.h"
//for confirm or cancel show popup message
[[popUp showMessage:@"lorem ipsum\nipsum ipsum" withTitle:@"with title"]
withConfirm:@"confirm" onConfirm:^{
}withCancel:@"cancel" onCancel:^{
//for confirm show popup message
[[popUp showMessage:@"lorem ipsum\nipsum ipsum" withTitle:@"with title"]
withConfirm:@"oke" onConfirm:^{
//you need uncomment on line 36 in 'popUp.m' and fill your images
[popUp showProgress];
[popUp stopProgress];
#note feel free to pull request for add new feature