Piece of my thoughts about Node.js architecture.
supra-api-nodejs: A little bit about Node.js RESTful APIs Architecture (RU)
- ES6 Classes
- Action based
- Service based
- SQL based (PostgreSQL with objection.js)
- Migrations(knex.js)
- Auth (JWT/Access-token/Refresh-token)
- Role based access control
- Request validation (Joi.js)
- CRUD(users, posts resources)
- Automated API documentation
Each entity have own router class that implement RESTful interface to work with it.
class PostsRouter extends BaseRouter {
static get router () {
router.get('/', this.actionRunner(actions.ListAction))
router.get('/:id', this.actionRunner(actions.GetByIdAction))
router.post('/', this.actionRunner(actions.CreateAction))
router.patch('/:id', this.actionRunner(actions.UpdateAction))
router.delete('/:id', this.actionRunner(actions.RemoveAction))
return router
For example PostsRouter
implement base CRUD routes to post
entity. Each route fires own action
It's a class that encapsulated request validation, permission verification and business logic. One file, one class, one REST operation.
It's much more like utility layer thats provide some helpful promisfitated functions like check access, hash password or generate jwt's.
Implement data access methods.
!!! Project still in progress !!!
2017 - ...