Download Spotify tracks to Ogg Vorbis (with a premium account).
This program uses librespot, and as such, requires a Spotify Premium account to use. It supports downloading single tracks and episodes, but also entire playlists, albums and shows.
To download a number of links as <artist(s)> - <title>.ogg
, run
oggify "spotify-premium-user" "spotify-premium-password" < link_list
Oggify reads from standard input and looks for a URL or URI in each line, and checks whether it is a valid Spotify media link. If it is not valid, it will be ignored.
The two formats are those you get with the menu items
"Share → Copy Link" or "Share → Copy URI" in the Spotify client,
for example
Once you close the standard input or write "done"
into it,
it will start downloading all tracks and episodes in order of input
into your current working directory.
A second form of invocation of oggify is
oggify "spotify-premium-user" "spotify-premium-password" "helper_script" < link_list
In this form helper_script
is invoked for each new track:
helper_script "spotify_id" "title" <album> "cover_art_url" "artist1" ["artist2"...] < ogg_stream
The script tag_ogg
in the source tree can be used to automatically add the track information (spotify ID, title, album, artists) as vorbis comments.
The script uses ogg-image-blobber for cover art encoding.
Don't do that, please. You will just lose quality. If you want to do it anyway:
Use oggify
with the tag_ogg
helper script as described above, then convert with ffmpeg:
for ogg in *.ogg; do
ffmpeg -i "$ogg" -map_metadata 0:s:0 -id3v2_version 3 -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 "$(basename "$ogg" .ogg).mp3"