Ian Jared and Clayton
Work Distribution
We pair programmed together for the majority of the project.
Some areas of individual effort are the following:
Ian: Symbol Table, Debug Flags in Source Code, everything related to symbol table, Types in AST, AST ID & Constant Node, AST fors, AST funcs/calls, Type Checking, 3ac gen, asm gen
Clayton: Yacc Grammar and Parts of Lex, Main in Yacc, Implementing file parsing with command line argument, README, wiki, AST test cases, arrays in 3ac
Jared: Command Line Debug Flags, Yacc, Lex, Logging of Lex and Bision, AST Generic Node, AST Unique Nodes, Printing of AST, AST Creation in grammar productions, Type Checking of var & type checking in functions, arrays in 3ac
* Flex >= 2.6.4
* Bison >= 3.1
* g++ >= 8.2.1
* make >= 3.81
Run make in the src folder in local terminal
The binary is called fcc which stands for Fred C Compliler.
* -i <inputfile>: (Required) Provide a file to compile
* -o <outputfile>: (Optional) Provide a file to output debug options to.
Defaults to output.txt if no file is provided.
* -dl: This will print out all of the tokens
* -dp: This will print out all of the productions with the source code
* -ds: This will print out all of the contents of the Symbol Table
* -dg: This will print out contents of the graphviz file to screen and to file so the graph can be created
* -fh: Prints our inspiration -Ian
In order to use these options, put the flags inside of the source code.
* !!dl: Turns on token output until the next !!dl flag is reached.
* !!dp: Turns on production output until the next !!dp flag is reached.
* !!ds: Turns on Symbol Table output until the next !!ds flag is reached.
Examples: This example has an input file called foo.c and an output file called fooOuput.txt
./fcc -i foo.c -o fooOuput.txt
This example has an input file called bar.c and prints out all of the tokens that are matched.
./fcc -i bar.c -dl
This example has an input file called foo.c and prints out all productions and the contents of the symbol table.
./fcc -i foo.c -dp -ds
For 3ac testing use the following path test/3ac/.
./fcc -i tests/3ac/math.c
To find out more information on how to build and run our compiler, visit the wiki: Semantics Wiki