PteroStatus is an easy to setup pterodactyl daemon status project. It will continuously update a discord embed with live stats from your daemons.
Run the following command to install the npm package
npm i pterostatus
const Status = require('pterostatus');
const Daemon = new Status.Daemon("Node1", 15000, {
const Status = require('pterostatus');
const Controller = new Status.Controller(4000, {
token: "BOT-TOKEN",
guildID: 'GUILD-ID',
channelID: 'CHANNEL-ID',
color: '#06cce2', // Embed color
pterodactyl: {
panel: "",
apiKey: "API-KEY",
node: {
message: '**{}**: [Memory: {node.memory.used/{}] [Disk: {node.disk.used}/{}]',
online: '🟢 **ONLINE**',
offline: '🔴 **OFFLINE**'
embed: {
color: '#06cce2',
title: 'Node Status [{} nodes]',
description: '**Nodes**:\n{nodes.list}\n\n**Total**:\nMemory: {memory.used}/{}\nDisk: {disk.used}/{}\n\n**Pterodactyl:**\nUsers: {pterodactyl.users}\nServers: {pterodactyl.servers}',
footer: {
text: 'Last updated: {lastupdated}',
icon: ''
interval: 15000
- Node's name
- Total node's memory
- Total used memory
- Total used disk
- Total node's disk
- Total used cpu
- Total cpu cores
- Displays the cpu model
- Displays the os
- Shows if it's online or offline
- Number of online nodes
- Number of offline nodes
- List of nodes along with their statuses
- Number of total nodes
- Total memory
- Total disk
- Total cores
- Total memory used by nodes
- Total disk used by nodes
- Total memory percentage used by nodes
- Total disk percentage used by nodes
- Number of current panel users
- Number of current panel servers
- Number of current panel locations
- Last updated time
- Currently day of the month
- Current month of the year
- Current hour of the day
- Current minute of the hour
- Current second of hour
- Current year
Need some help setting up Ptero-Status? Join BlueFox Development's Discord
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.