Pyspace is a very small Flask application to show upcoming space launches.
Please, have in mind this webapp uses a free API to get the launches. So this might have problems such as 429 errors.
Anyways, the purpose behind this app was to practice with Python's request module with simple free and public APIs.
It's very simple to get started with and use Pyspace.
Before you start, remember it's very convinient to have activated a Python virtual env. Execute the next command in your terminal/console:
python -m venv pyspace_env
Also, it's very important to install the project's requirements, you can do this by doing so:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- A special thank you to the FOSS community. Whose creations allow us to build big but also simple apps like this one.
- freellustrations: thanks for allowing to use free images designs.
- The Space Devs: thanks for allowing to use your API.
You can use this app for whatever you want to. But please, make sure you include the author's name :)