feedRSS is an RSS reader application inspired by Feedly.
It is a full-stack web application that utilizes:
- Ruby on Rails on the backend,
- a PostgreSQL database, and
- React on the frontend with Redux.
It uses Feedjira ruby gem for fetching and parsing the XML content from RSS feeds and Clearbit Free Logo API to get high-quality logos.
Users are immediately taken to a view of the most recent articles from all the feeds that are being followed. From here, the user is able to navigate to their collections, feeds they're subscribed to, click on articles to read them directly, or discover new feeds to follow.
Collections are a way for the user to organize the feeds that are being followed into specified categories. It can be created, edited, and deleted according to the user's preference.
Clicking on the "Follow" button will bring up the options to create a collection or add the feed to an existing collection.
Since a feed may belong to many collections of different users, the handle for unfollowing had to pass in all collection_ids
from the feed and remove only the current user's collections while maintaining other user's collection-feed relationships.
// frontend/components/feed/follow_button.jsx
handleUnfollow(e) {
let feedCollectionIds = this.props.feed.collection_ids;
this.props.collectionIds.forEach(collectionId => {
feedCollectionIds.forEach((feedCollectionId, idx) => {
if(collectionId === feedCollectionId) {
this.setState({ target: "", collection_ids: feedCollectionIds }, () => {
.then(data => {
Articles are created during the fetching and parsing of an RSS Feed url and stored in database with the appropriate parameters. There is also a check to make sure articles are not duplicated during the updating for feeds by Feedjira.
# app/models/article.rb
def self.create_articles(entries, feed)
entries.each do |entry|
next if Article.find_by(entry_id: entry.id)
img = entry.image ||
Article.parse_img_from_content(entry.content) ||
author: entry.author,
content: entry.content || entry.summary,
date: entry.published || DateTime.now,
entry_id: entry.entry_id,
feed_id: feed.id,
image_url: img,
title: entry.title,
url: entry.url,
When a user clicks on an article, the view page will slide out from the right to provide focus on the article.
Since this is a personal project, feeds are not being updated automatically yet. To update via command line, simply run rake feeds:update
- Article view page should only overlay on top of the previous page.
- User settings page
- Search functionality
- Parsing through the embedded HTML to render a cleaner article show page
- Saved articles for reading later