In the WebFishing update 1.09, the developer & contributors got "Titles".
A Title is a text above your head that says "[LAMEDEV]" "[CONTRIBUTOR]" with fun little colors.
onready var title_api = get_node_or_null("/root/TitleAPI")
func _ready:
if title_api != null:
_name = title_api.register_title(STEAM_ID, TITLE) # Register your own Title
onready var title_api = get_node_or_null("/root/TitleAPI")
func _ready():
if title_api != null:
_name = title_api.register_title(76561198123766302, "[color=#913BED][LOAF][/color]")
onready var title_api = get_node_or_null("/root/TitleAPI")
func _ready():
if title_api != null:
_name = title_api.register_title(76561199157842765, "[color=#D57EEC][KIKIN][/color]")
Report any bugs to IamKikin on WEBFISHING Modding Community Discord Mady by IamKikin & Nowaha