OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference.
Other supported platforms: iOS, Desktop, CLI
This application requires Android Studio. We use gradle and, as part of the initial gradle sync, Android studio will download all the required dependencies. The most important dependency is measurement-kit which is fetched from our Bintray jcenter repository.
Ensure you have Android Studio and Android SDK installed. Build fullRelease
variant using Android Studio or this command line:
./gradlew assembleFullRelease
Instead to build the app to stay compliant to F-Droid use fdroidRelease
, contains small tweaks required to have the app accepted by f-droid.
./gradlew assembleFdroidRelease
To manage translations check out our translation repo and follow the instructions there.
Write some code
Open a pull request
Have fun!