- With my laptop
- ugochukwu.dev
url-shortener Public
In-Memeory URL Shortener backend service built with Nestjs
Portfolio-v2 Public
Version 2 of my portfolio built with Nextjs, Chakra UI and TypeScript
rooks Public
Forked from imbhargav5/rooksEssential React custom hooks ⚓ to super charge your components!
Find-Talents Public
Frontend application to view and search for talents including saving the profile of a talent. Built with React, Bootstrap and Redux RTK Query
User-Bank-System Public
User banking system backend to create accounts, fund account, transfer and withdraw from account built with Nestjs, Knex and MySQL
ESUSU-Confam Public
Esusu Confam application backend to allow users to register, login. create and search for groups and its members built with Nestjs, TypeORM and MySQL
modern-js-cheatsheet Public
Forked from mbeaudru/modern-js-cheatsheetCheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
uptime-kuma Public
Forked from louislam/uptime-kumaA fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
awesome-notifications Public
Forked from f3oall/awesome-notificationsLightweight JavaScript Notifications Library
anuc-cgpa Public
CGPA application for All Nations University College (ANUC)
public-apis Public
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of free APIs