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PasteMe 是一个无需注册的文本分享平台(未登陆状态下只能使用阅后即焚),可以为文本设置密码和阅后即焚,支持二维码分享和各种一键复制,针对代码提供了额外的高亮功能。
okxlin / appstore
Forked from 1Panel-dev/appstore1Panel 应用商店的非官方应用适配库 1Panel Store Unofficial App Adaptation Repository (
Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
Open source API development ecosystem - (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
存储转发给它的消息,并能推送到网页,方便查看编辑信息,附带拼接图片、视频转 GIF 功能。 Store the messages forwarded to it, and be able to push them to the web page, for easy viewing and editing of the information.
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.
Synchronized viewing, theater, live streaming, video
AList proxy server for TvBox, support playlist and search.
Ping hijacking solution based on Xrayr and V2board
A digital clock for desktop popup every half hour written in rust, support 20-20-20 rule. 每隔半小時彈出一次的桌面電子時鐘 Windows / Mac
A script generator to check system services for Uptime-Kuma
🚩 自动更新域名解析到本机IP(支持dnspod,阿里DNS,CloudFlare,华为云,DNSCOM...)
Bark is an iOS App which allows you to push custom notifications to your iPhone
An easy script for the Mosdns basic functions, enabling you to set up a pollution-free DNS server that supports ECS in just a few minutes.
一个非常轻量的通知网关,可以聚合各种推送渠道,使用 Serverless 部署,几乎零成本运行。
httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
新一代实时计算底座,计算性能超越flink/spark 100倍,XL-LightHouse是一套支持超大数据量、支持超高并发的通用型流式大数据统计系统【同时支持单机版】。常见的应用场景包括:PV、UV统计;电商销售额、下单用户数统计;日志量统计;接口调用量、异常量、耗时情况统计;服务器运维监控等功能,系统支持多维度统计,支持各种复杂的条件筛选和逻辑判断,一键部署,一行代码接入,轻松实现业务…