Solid Red Systems BV
- Amsterdam
- https://iandundas.com
- @[email protected]
MLX Model Manager unifies loading and inferencing with LLMs and VLMs.
On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
Presentation on FRP in ReactiveCocoa, given to CocoaHeadsNL 21-Apr-15
Cell which immitates iOS10's Mail.app cell swiping behavior
Demoing swappable datasources using Hot Take for Realm
Hot-swappable reactive collection supporting Realm, Core Data and regular arrays.
A Swift framework for reactive programming.
Project files for my personal experiments on Swift A Day:
A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
A collection of awesome flat UI components for iOS.
A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
UILabel that supports NSAttributedString
Compose bar from iOS 7 Messages.app