A flexible API to forward HTTP requests to another server
yarn add @ianwalter/relay
Express setup example:
const Relay = require('@ianwalter/relay')
// Create the Relay instance and save it to the Express app instance so that
// route handlers will be able to access it when called.
const app = express()
app.locals.relay = new Relay({ baseUrl: process.env.API_URL })
Express simple proxy example:
const Relay = require('@ianwalter/relay')
// Proxy all requests to /api/account to /api/account on the baseUrl setup in
// the example above.
app.post('/api/account', Relay.proxy())
Express advanced proxy example:
const Relay = require('@ianwalter/relay')
// Pass the addAuthHeader function into the proxy options so that the authToken
// in the user's session is passed as an Authorization header when proxying
// requests to the other server.
const addAuthHeader = req => ({
headers: { 'Authorization': req.session.authToken }
app.put('/api/account', Relay.proxy(addAuthHeader))
Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause - See LICENSE
Created by Ian Walter