Small service enabling download of Netune Apex data. Uses RavenDB as a data repository. Curently supports download from up to 2 Neptune Apex devices and stores downloaded data in a single database.
RavenDb - Follow instructions to install RavenDb and create database named 'ApexClient' RavenDb is expected at the default "" location.
Copy files to from to the local folder. (i.e. c:\apexloader) Modify settings.json with your Apex values
- URL - Local URL of your Neptune Apex
- User - User name used to login into the local Apex
- Password - Password used to login into local Apex
If you have a second Apex, you can configure it in the Apex2 section in the config file and change
- Active to "True"
Default download interval from Apex is 1 minute. If you like to extend this interval change config file:
- DownloadInterval from 1 to x, where x is the number of minutes to wait between downloads
Open Windows Terminal as Administrator and run:
sc create "ApexLoader Service" binPath="\apexloader.exe" start=auto DisplayName="Automatic downloader from Apex to RavenDb"
sc start "ApexLoader Service"
Open Windows Terminal as Administrator and run:
sc stop "ApexLoader Service"
sc delete "ApexLoader Service"
Delete your local folder with app files.