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🐯 Micro Frontends solution for large application(面向大型应用的微前端解决方案),站点国内镜像:


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Micro Frontends solution for large application. Website Chinese docs.

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Features 🎉

  • No framework constraint for main&sub applications, support React/Vue/Angular/...
  • Sub-application support multiple types of entry: js&css, html entry, html content
  • Compatible with single-spa sub-application and lifecycles
  • JavaScript sandbox by Proxy API

Showcases 🎃

Vue main-application

Main-application based on Vue, And sub-applications based on React, Vue respectively.

React main-application

Main-application based on React, And sub-applications based on React, Vue, Angular respectively.

Architecture&Concepts 🚁


  • Main-application: also named framework application, responsible for sub-applications registration&load&render, layout display (Header, Sidebar, Footer, etc.)
  • Sub-application: responsible for content display related to its own business

Getting Started 🥢🍚

Use Scaffold


# Based on React
$ npm init ice icestark-layout @icedesign/stark-layout-scaffold
# Based on Vue
$ npm init ice icestark-layout @vue-materials/icestark-layout-app

$ cd icestark-layout
$ npm install
$ npm start


# Based on React
$ npm init ice icestark-child @icedesign/stark-child-scaffold
# Based on Vue
$ npm init ice icestark-child @vue-materials/icestark-child-app

$ cd icestark-child
$ npm install
$ npm run start


setup in react app

// src/App.jsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { AppRouter, AppRoute } from '@ice/stark';

class App extends React.Component {
  onRouteChange = (pathname, query) => {
    console.log(pathname, query);

  render() {
    return (
        <div>this is common header</div>
          ErrorComponent={<div>js bundle loaded error</div>}
            path={['/', '/message', '/about']}
        <div>this is common footer</div>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('ice-container'));
  • AppRouter locates the sub-application rendering node
  • AppRoute corresponds to the configuration of a sub-application, path configures all route information, basename configures a uniform route prefix, url configures assets url
  • icestark will follow the route parsing rules like to determine the current path, load the static resources of the corresponding sub-application, and render

setup with APIs

supported by @ice/[email protected]

import { registerMicroApps } from '@ice/stark';

    name: 'app1',
    activePath: ['/', '/message', '/about'],
    exact: true,
    title: '通用页面',
    container: document.getElementById('icestarkNode'),
    url: ['//'],
    name: 'app2',
    activePath: '/seller',
    title: '商家平台',
    container: document.getElementById('icestarkNode'),
    url: [


after sub-application is registered, icestark will load app according to the activePath.


sub-application can expose lifecycles in both register lifecycles and export lifecycles(umd) ways.

1. regsiter lifecycles

// src/index.js
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { isInIcestark, getMountNode, registerAppEnter, registerAppLeave } from '@ice/stark-app';
import router from './router';

if (isInIcestark()) {
  const mountNode = getMountNode();

  registerAppEnter(() => {
    ReactDOM.render(router(), mountNode);

  // make sure the unmount event is triggered
  registerAppLeave(() => {
} else {
  ReactDOM.render(router(), document.getElementById('ice-container'));
  • Get the render DOM Node via getMountNode
  • Trigger app mount manually via registerAppEnter
  • Trigger app unmount manually via registerAppLeave
// src/router.js
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import { renderNotFound, getBasename } from '@ice/stark-app';

function List() {
  return <div>List</div>;

function Detail() {
  return <div>Detail</div>;

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Router basename={getBasename()}>
          <Route path="/list" component={List} />
          <Route path="/detail" component={Detail} />
          <Redirect exact from="/" to="list" />
            component={() => {
              return renderNotFound();
  • Get the basename configuration in the framework application via getBasename
  • renderNotFound triggers the framework application rendering global NotFound

2. exports lifecycles(umd)

exports lifecycles in sub-application:

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './app';

export function mount(props) {
  ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('icestarkNode'));

export function unmount() {

sub-application should be bundled as an UMD module, add the following configuration of webpack:

module.exports = {
  output: {
    library: 'sub-app-name',
    libraryTarget: 'umd',

Documentation 📝

Ecosystem 🧼

Project Version Docs Description
icejs icejs-status docs A universal framework based on react.js
icestore icestore-status docs Simple and friendly state for React
formily formily-status docs Alibaba Group Unified Form Solution
iceworks iceworks-status docs Universal Application Development Pack for VS Code


Feel free to report any questions as an issue, we'd love to have your helping hand on icestark.

If you're interested in icestark, see for more information to learn how to get started.
