OpenTissue is a collection of generic algorithms and data structures for rapid development of interactive modeling and simulation.
Free for commercial use, open source under the Zlib license.
- Code Standards
- Good Practice for Development
- Design Patterns in OpenTissue
- Unit Testing Guide
- The Code Review Process
- Have a look at our OpenTissue Gallery
- Doxygen documentation (run doxygen on the source tree)
- Demo applications (work as small tutorials/hands on examples)
- The book: Physics-Based Animation
Core- Atomic building blocks that are commonly used throughout all OpenTissue components, including data structures and algorithms.
- BIG Matrix-Vector Library (large scale)
- The Mesh Programming Guide
- The Tetrahedra Mesh Programming Guide
Collision - Methods for detecting collisions between motion-independent objects and creating contact information.
- Optimal Spatial Hashing
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy Data Structure
- Signed Distance Field Collision Library
Dynamics - Collection of methods for mathematically modeled simulations and physics-based animations, including rigid, soft, and fluid body dynamics.
Kinematics - Methods for kinematic animations, including inverse kinematics, skinning, and key-framed character animation.
GPU - Collection of general purpose algorithms and methods performed on the GPU (GPGPU).
Utility - Large collection of miscellaneous utilities, mostly for OT-based applications.
- Using the Demo Glut Application Framework
- The OpenGL Programming Guide
- The Shader Programming Guide
- Utility Programming Guide
Here is a few suggestions