I am currently an undergraduate student at Baylor University pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.
- Specialties: Full-stack development, APIs, and database-driven applications
- HotelProject: A Java-based hotel landing page with Swing front-end, enabling room bookings.
- SeaQuail: A Python + Flask project leveraging the Lahman baseball database to solve Immaculate Grid questions.
- WoofPetAdoptions: A pet adoption website with a React and Next.js front-end, Java Spring Boot backend, and hosted on GCP for CI/CD.
- Clash of Clans Info Scraper: A tool that interacts with the Clash of Clans API to scrape game data. I wrote this project to sharpen my Java skills and as an introduction to API communication.
- nsh: A lightweight shell written in C to improve my C programming skills.
- Lox Interpreter: A tree-walk interpreter written in Java for the Lox programming language. I followed Robert Nystroms book Crafting Interpreters to further understand how interpreters work behind the scenes.
- Check out my dotfiles here!
Currently diving deeper into API development...