The project is a simple demo for Devfest 2019
The app was a simple node.js webapp using Mongodb as backend.
Webapp is dockerized using a Dockerfile and deployed on a AKS Azure Cluster deployed Terraform.
The CI part use Travis, Github for source repository and Docker Hub for the image registry.
Both the webapp and Mongodb are deployed on the AKS by the travis CI.
For achieving the target I use also helm chart for Mongodb and Nginx.
The scaling part is done using Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscale.
Finally the monitoring solution use both helm chart for Prometheus+Grafana.
Before starting clone the entire project.
This part require Terraform (tested with v0.12.5) an account on Terraform for remote state and an Azure account and a service principal as described here:
Once obtained put it in under terraform directory:
client_id= "XXX"
client_secret = "XXX"
tenant_id = "XXX"
subscription_id = "XXX"
and deploy using terraform apply.
5 resources will be created:
- azurerm_resource_group : resource group containing all the deployment
- azurerm_kubernetes_cluster : selfexplaining
- azurerm_application_insight and azurerm_application_insights_api_key : used for metrics and scaling parts
- azurerm_log_analytics_workspace : log workspace
At the end terraform will output
Save it, these variables are required in the next step by Travis CI.
This part require to connect your Travis server with the repo where you clone the entire project.
I use
connected to my repo in GitHub. You must set these variables to point to your Docker Hub in Travis before run CI:
If you don't want to rebuild the app these variables are not required and you have to comment the before_script
step in .travis.yml
These variables are required in Travis, take from the previous step:
Save kube_config
Terraform output to a private repo, create a GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN and change the line accordling:
- curl -o config https://[email protected]/iosdal/privaterepo/master/.kube/config
pointing to your private repo containing the kubernetes credentials.
Travis CI steps explained:
- install: install kubectl,helm binaries and copy Kubernetes config file;
- before_script: build the app using
and push to Docker registry; - script: all the required components are deployed on the Kubernetes cluster:
- helm installing on the cluster;
- mongodb with a PVC to persist data;
- installation of the
and the custom-metric used by thehpa
; - deployment of the app itself in
; - deployment of nginx ingress controller;
- deployment of the monitoring parts using prometheus+grafana;
- output of the nginx public ip address and grafana password.
After running the CI and waiting few minutes for having all the resources running, obtain the public ip of the app using:
kubectl get service -l app=nginx-ingress --namespace demo
Point the browser to this public IP.
For acceding grafana use
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=grafana,release=grafana" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 3000
with password obtained in CI or from:
kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
GET /crash
andGET /generatecert
are blocked byingress-controller
;- Recover from crashes are implemented by kubernetes;
- The logs are saved in
with a retention period of 30 days (>7); - The database are in a separate pvc but unfortunally Azure volume plugin are not supported by Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes. So some strategies for backupping are possible but not achieved in the project. For example using Microsoft Recovery Service form tha Azure portal is possible to backup the vm on wich the cluster is running. Other method for backupping the db is to use simple mongodbdump ( with a cronjob and a bash script;
- Notify any CPU peak -> possible using azure portal or using an alert on a Dashboard in Grafana (not implemented but I known how to do...).
- Scale when the number of request are greater than 10 req /sec -> achieved using this metric adapter and a custom metric. The original app was modified to include Application Insights SDK Other methods are possible, using prometheus metrics for instance, but not tested.
Being only a demo, some parts are not production ready:
- mongodb require username and password and maybe as a service using Atlas (kubernetes is not a perfet fit for prodution db);
- https with certificate
- secure helm
- implement mongodb backup
- some variables passing
- terraform deploy included in CI and remote state...