Like Worms mixed with Moonbase Commander.
You launch RTS buildings instead of missiles. You start with one launcher building that can fire mineshafts (get resources), barracks (pump out creeps), bombs (terraform/defence), or more launchers. Tech tree lets you make them bouncy, boosty, sticky.
See also player.lua: Player:getPrettyInput()
- Fire: Right Shoulder
- Aim: Left Stick
- Cycle Launcher Left: D-pad left
- Cycle Launcher Right: Left Shoulder
- Cycle Projectile Next: D-pad down
- Cycle Projectile Previous: D-pad up
- Normal Tech: A
- Sticky Tech: B
- Bouncy Tech: X
- Boosty Tech: Y
- Fire: space
- Aim: mouse
- Aim Left: a
- Aim Right: d
- Cycle Launcher Left: q
- Cycle Launcher Right: e
- Cycle Projectile Next: s
- Cycle Projectile Previous: w
- Normal Tech: 1
- Bouncy Tech: 2
- Boosty Tech: 3
- Sticky Tech: 4
- Fire: rctrl
- Aim Left: left
- Aim Right: right
- Cycle Launcher Left: [
- Cycle Launcher Right: ]
- Cycle Projectile Next: down
- Cycle Projectile Previous: up
- Sticky Tech: 0
- Normal Tech: 7
- Bouncy Tech: 8
- Boosty Tech: 9
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bartbes/love-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install love
(Or download from
love .
- Space Arp F Chords.wav by esistnichtsoernst | License: Creative Commons 0
- Dramatic Uprising Pulse Ambience by PatrickLieberkind | License: Attribution