PyLive is a framework for querying and controlling Ableton Live from a standalone Python script, mediated via Open Sound Control. Internally, it uses the same API as a Live Control Surface, which means it can do anything that a hardware control surface can do, including:
- query and modify global parameters such as tempo, volume, pan, quantize, arrangement time
- query and modify properties of tracks, clips, scenes and devices
- trigger and stop clips and scenes
It can perform many of the operations described in the AbletonOSC API. More comprehensive feature coverage is a work-in-progress.
If you are looking simply to send MIDI messages to Live, this module is not what you want. Instead, try setting up a virtual MIDI bus and using isobar to generate MIDI sequences.
Note for legacy users: As of 2023, pylive has been updated to interface exclusively with AbletonOSC for Live 11 support. Legacy LiveOSC is no longer supported beyond v0.2.2.
From PyPi:
pip3 install pylive
Or to install the latest (pre-release) code from git:
git clone
cd pylive
python3 install
To check that pylive is communicating successfully with Ableton Live, try running one of the examples, or run the test suite with:
python3 test
# Basic example of pylive usage: connect to the Live set, trigger a clip,
# and modulate some device parameters.
import live
import random
# Query the set's contents, and set its tempo to 110bpm.
set = live.Set(scan=True)
set.tempo = 110.0
# Each Set contains a list of Track objects.
track = set.tracks[0]
print("Track name '%s'" %
# Each Track contains a list of Clip objects.
clip = track.clips[0]
print("Clip name '%s', length %d beats" % (, clip.length))
# Mdulate the parameters of a Device object.
device = track.devices[0]
parameter = random.choice(device.parameters)
parameter.value = random.uniform(parameter.min, parameter.max)
print("Randomising parameter %s of device %s" % (parameter, device))
To begin interacting with an Ableton Live set, the typical workflow is as follows. Live should normally be running on localhost, with LiveOSC enabled as a Control Surface.
- Create a
object, passingscan=True
to automatically index the tracks, clips and devices within the set - Interact with Live by setting and getting properties on your
are global Set propertiesset.tracks
is a list of Track objectsset.tracks[N].name
, are Track propertiesset.tracks[N].clips
is a list of Clip objects (with empty slots containingNone
is a list of Device objectsset.tracks[N].devices[M].parameters
is a list of Parameter objects
Getters and setters use Python's @property
idiom, meaning that accessing set.tempo
will query or update your Live set.
If you know that no other processes will interact with Live, set set.caching = True
to cache properties such as tempo. This will query the Live set on the first instance, and subsequently return locally-stored values.
For further help, see pydoc live
: Represents a single Ableton Live set in its entirety.Track
: A single Live track object. ContainsDevice
objects. May be a member of aGroup
: A grouped set of one or moreTrack
: An instrument or audio effect residing within aTrack
. Contains a number ofParameter
: An individual control parameter of aDevice
, with a fixed range and variable value.
Note that pylive is not intended for sending MIDI note events or control messages to a set. For MIDI controls, use a separate module such as mido.