Tags: ihub-pub/plugins
Toggle 1.7.4's commit message
build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5 (#…
…1012 )
IHub Bot: PR is merged by IHub Bot
Toggle 1.7.4-m1's commit message
build(ihub-java): 更新依赖版本并添加新依赖 (#1011 )
- 将 MapStruct 依赖替换为 mapstruct-plus,并添加 lombok-mapstruct-binding- 更新 Doc 注解依赖,使用 swagger-core-jakarta 替代 swagger.annotations
- 添加 therapi-runtime-javadoc-scribe 和 ihub-bytebuddy-plugin 依赖
-将 ihub 版本从1.5.3 升级到 1.5.4- 将 defaultDependencies 的默认值从 'log' 改为 'false'
Toggle 1.7.3's commit message
build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 (#…
…1009 )
IHub Bot: PR is merged by IHub Bot
Toggle 1.7.3-m1's commit message
build(verification): 更新 PMD依赖并调整相关配置 (#996 )
- 更新 PMD 依赖为 net.sourceforge.pmd:pmd-ant、pmd-java 和 pmd-groovy- 添加 GroovyPlugin 支持
- 更新测试用例以匹配新的 PMD 依赖
- 在 gradle.properties 中添加配置缓存并行选项
- 更新 README.md 中的版本兼容性信息
Toggle 1.7.2's commit message
build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (#…
…989 )
IHub Bot: PR is merged by IHub Bot
Toggle 1.7.2-m1's commit message
chore: 增加本地调试参数 (#968 )
* chore: 增加本地调试参数
* chore: 增加本地调试参数
Toggle 1.7.1's commit message
build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (#…
…965 )
IHub Bot: PR is merged by IHub Bot
Toggle 1.7.0's commit message
build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.4.8 to 1.5.0 (#…
…934 )
IHub Bot: PR is merged by IHub Bot
Toggle 1.6.7's commit message
build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.26.4 to 3.26.5 (#912 )
IHub Bot: PR is merged by IHub Bot
Toggle 1.6.6's commit message
fix(groovy): groovy插件不能与Lombok同时使用 (#892 )
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