This is a SDN specific dataset generation tool. Given an SDN controller, the project runs the network simulations with various traffic patterns for a defined number of seconds, generates the packet capture as a dataset sample. This process is repeated as many times as needed to generate an SDN packet trace dataset.
- Mininet VM
- Python2.7
- RYU SDN Controller
This is the mininet network simulation code. This performs the following functions:
- Create a Random Topology.
- Populates switches and hosts in the topology. The switches are connected to the user-defined SDN controllers.
- Runs the random traffic generator for a set duration.
The controllers are run in parallel with mininet. The controllers may be designed by the user as they wish. Three example controllers are provided with the project.
This is the overall scheduler for the dataset creation process. It calls, calls the controller based on the schedule programmed in this file and keeps the processes alive for the simulation period. Post which, if the processes don't terminate automatically, are killed completely to set up a clean slate for next iteration.
The location for the dataset to be created has to be specified in
Similarly the location of the controllers have to be specifed.
The existing code uses ryu controllers, however, any controller could be used and the command to call the controller has to be specified in
Simulation period has to be specified in
The user has to decide how to run each controller if there are multiple controllers to choose from, this should go into Currently, a round-robin example is provided.
The user decision as to which switch goes under which controller goes under
Desired number of samples in the dataset has to be configured in
Upon setting the above parameters, the dataset generations begins with a simple command.