stream-python is the official Python client for Stream, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams.
Note there is also a higher level Django - Stream integration library which hooks into the Django ORM.
You can sign up for a Stream account at
stream-python supports:
- Python (2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8)
pip install stream-python
Documentation for this Python client are available at the Stream website or on Read the Docs.
import datetime
# Instantiate a new client
import stream
client = stream.connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET')
# INstantiate a new client specifying datacenter location
client = stream.connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET', location='us-east')
# Find your API keys here
# Instantiate a feed object
user_feed_1 = client.feed('user', '1')
# Get activities from 5 to 10 (slow pagination)
result = user_feed_1.get(limit=5, offset=5)
# (Recommended & faster) Filter on an id less than the given UUID
result = user_feed_1.get(limit=5, id_lt="e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0")
# Create a new activity
activity_data = {'actor': 1, 'verb': 'tweet', 'object': 1, 'foreign_id': 'tweet:1'}
activity_response = user_feed_1.add_activity(activity_data)
# Create a bit more complex activity
activity_data = {'actor': 1, 'verb': 'run', 'object': 1, 'foreign_id': 'run:1',
'course': {'name': 'Golden Gate park', 'distance': 10},
'participants': ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'],
# Remove an activity by its id
# or by foreign id
# Follow another feed
user_feed_1.follow('flat', '42')
# Stop following another feed
user_feed_1.unfollow('flat', '42')
# List followers/following
following = user_feed_1.following(offset=0, limit=2)
followers = user_feed_1.followers(offset=0, limit=10)
# Creates many follow relationships in one request
follows = [
{'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:1'},
{'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:2'},
{'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:3'}
# Batch adding activities
activities = [
{'actor': 1, 'verb': 'tweet', 'object': 1},
{'actor': 2, 'verb': 'watch', 'object': 3}
# Add an activity and push it to other feeds too using the `to` field
activity = {
"to":["user:44", "user:45"]
# Retrieve an activity by its ID
# Retrieve an activity by the combination of foreign_id and time
(foreign_id, activity_time),
# Update some parts of an activity with activity_partial_update
set = {
'': 'boots',
'colors': {
'red': '0xFF0000',
'green': '0x00FF00'
unset = [ 'popularity', '' ]
# ID
client.activity_partial_update(id=activity_id, set=set, unset=unset)
# ...or by combination of foreign_id and time
client.activity_partial_update(foreign_id=foreign_id, time=activity_time, set=set, unset=unset)
# Generating user token for client side usage (JS client)
user_token = client.create_user_token("user-42")
# Javascript client side feed initialization
# client = stream.connect(apiKey, userToken, appId);
# Generate a redirect url for the Stream Analytics platform to track
# events/impressions on url clicks
impression = {
'content_list': ['tweet:1', 'tweet:2', 'tweet:3'],
'user_data': 'tommaso',
'location': 'email',
'feed_id': 'user:global'
engagement = {
'content': 'tweet:2',
'label': 'click',
'position': 1,
'user_data': 'tommaso',
'location': 'email',
events = [impression, engagement]
redirect_url = client.create_redirect_url('', 'user_id', events)
First, make sure you can run the test suite. Tests are run via py.test
# with coverage
py.test --cov stream --cov-report html
# against a local API backend
LOCAL=true py.test
Install black and flake8
pip install black
pip install flake8
Install git hooks to avoid pushing invalid code (git commit will run black and flak8)
In order to release new version you need to be a maintainer on Pypi.
- Update the version on
- Commit and push to Github
- Create a new tag for the version (eg.
) - Create a new dist with python
python sdist
- Upload the new distributable with twine
twine upload dist/stream-python-VERSION-NAME.tar.gz
If unsure you can also test using the Pypi test servers twine upload --repository-url dist/stream-python-VERSION-NAME.tar.gz
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Inc, and individual contributors. All rights reserved.
See the file "LICENSE" for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.