Build a classified model with torchvision.models. The version of pytorch is 1.0
You should create a folder named data, then create three folders named train, val and test respectfully.
For example,
----data ————train----class 1 --- m1 * img
| |
| |------class 2 --- m2 * img
| |
| |------...
| ------class n --- m3 * img
|——————val------class 1 --- m4 * img
| |
| |--------class 2 --- m5 * img
| |
| |--------...
| --------class n --- m6 * img
——————test------class 1 --- m7 * img
|-------class 2 --- m8 * img
-------class n --- m9 * img
Go to the train(same in val,test) and creat the folders with your dataset, name the folders according to your class of the dataset.
For example, I have 2 categories(cat and dog), I would build two folders under the train(val,test) and name them cat, dog.
total_epochs = 1 #you can change it to any number
lr = 0.01
delay_lr = 0.1
delay_epoch_lr = 15 #every 15 epochs, the lr would be lr * delay_lr
save_dir = './data/test.pth' #save the model to your dir
data_dir = './data' #the data for train and test
bs = 32
You can change the parameters above. Then run the You will get a model named test.pth.
If you want to predict a picture, you can run But you should change the parameters below to load your own model and predict your own img
model_dir = './data/rn101_classifier3.pth'
img_dir = './data/test.jpg'