A comprehensive toolkit providing essential utilities for development in Free Pascal.
Streamlining your Pascal programming experience with reliable tools.
- π§° TidyKit
π String Operations
- String manipulation and transformations
- Case conversion and formatting
- Pattern matching and validation
- Unicode support
- String comparison and searching
- Text encoding/decoding
π File System Operations
- File and directory manipulation
- Path operations
- File searching and filtering
π¦ Archive Operations
- ZIP file compression and decompression
- TAR file creation and extraction
- Pattern-based file filtering
- Recursive directory handling
π Cryptography
- SHA3 implementation
- SHA2 family (SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-512/256)
- AES-256 encryption
- CBC and CTR modes
- High-level interface with automatic Base64 encoding
- Low-level interface with raw binary operations
- Configurable padding modes (PKCS7 or None)
- Secure hashing
- Encryption utilities
- Base64 encoding/decoding
- Legacy support (MD5, SHA1, Blowfish)
π Network Operations
- HTTP client
- Request handling
- Response parsing
π Math Operations
- π Statistical Analysis
- Basic statistics (mean, median, mode, range)
- Variance and standard deviation (population and sample)
- Distribution measures (skewness, kurtosis)
- Correlation (Pearson, Spearman)
- Advanced means (geometric, harmonic, trimmed)
- Robust statistics (MAD, Huber M-estimator)
- Hypothesis testing (t-test, Mann-Whitney U)
- Effect size measures (Cohen's d, Hedges' g)
- Bootstrap confidence intervals
- π° Financial Mathematics
- Time value of money (PV, FV)
- Investment analysis (NPV, IRR)
- Depreciation calculations
- Return metrics (ROI, ROE)
- π’ Matrix Operations
- Basic operations (add, subtract, multiply)
- Matrix creation (zeros, ones, identity)
- Matrix transpose and inverse
- Determinant and trace calculation
- Matrix decompositions (LU, QR, Eigen, SVD, Cholesky)
- Matrix properties (rank, condition number)
- Matrix norms (one, infinity, Frobenius)
- Special matrices (diagonal, symmetric, random, Hilbert, Toeplitz, Vandermonde)
- Element-wise operations
- Submatrix operations
- Linear system solving (direct and iterative methods)
- Matrix functions (exponential, power with support for fractional powers)
- Pseudoinverse for non-square matrices
- Vector operations (dot product, cross product, normalization)
- Statistical operations (mean, covariance, correlation)
- Advanced eigenvalue computation with PowerMethod
- Memory-efficient sparse matrix implementation
- Comprehensive error handling
- Memory-safe interface design with automatic reference counting
- String representations of matrices and decompositions
- π Trigonometry
- Basic functions (sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot)
- Inverse functions (arcsin, arccos, arctan, arctan2)
- Hyperbolic functions (sinh, cosh, tanh)
- Inverse hyperbolic functions (arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh)
- Angle conversions (degrees, radians, grads)
- Angle normalization
- Triangle calculations (area, perimeter, radii)
- Circle sector and segment calculations
- Vector operations
- β All calculations use Double precision (64-bit) for accuracy
- π Statistical Analysis
π JSON Operations
- Interface-based JSON manipulation with automatic memory management
- Property order preservation in JSON objects
- Full Unicode support
- Unicode escape sequence parsing (\uXXXX)
- UTF-8/16 character handling
- Control character escaping (\n, \r, \t, etc.)
- Comprehensive error handling with detailed messages
- Factory methods for easy value creation
- Support for all JSON data types
- Objects with ordered properties
- Arrays with type-safe elements
- Strings with proper escaping
- Numbers (both integer and floating-point)
- Booleans (true/false)
- Null (singleton implementation)
- Output formatting
- Pretty printing with configurable indentation
- Compact output for storage/transmission
- Memory safety
- Automatic reference counting through interfaces
- Safe singleton management for null values
- Proper cleanup of nested structures
- Thoroughly tested with 17 comprehensive test cases
π Logging Operations
- Easy to use logging system with multiple output destinations
- Configurable log levels (Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal)
- Console and file output with automatic coloring
- File rotation based on size
- Multiple log file support
- Category-based logging for better organization
- Automatic context management with reference counting
- Format string support for convenient message formatting
- Thread-safety considerations for multi-threaded applications
- Singleton pattern with unique instance tracking
- Method chaining for fluent configuration
- Error recovery to prevent logging failures from crashing the application
- Default log directory creation
- Extensible sink architecture with built-in implementations
- Pattern-based message formatting
- Structured logging for key-value data
- Performance timing capabilities
- Batch logging for improved performance
- Environment and file-based configuration
- Specialized logger factory methods
- Thoroughly tested with 34 comprehensive test cases
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ikelaiah/tidykit-fp
Open / start a new project in Lazarus IDE
Go to
βOpen Package File (.lpk)...
Navigate to the TidyKit packages in the
folder and selectTidyKit.lpk
In the package window that opens, click
Use β Add to Project
to install the package
The TidyKit package is now ready to use in your Lazarus project.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ikelaiah/tidykit-fp
- Add the source directory to your project's search path.
Add either the all-inclusive TidyKit unit or choose specific units you need:
// Option 1: All-inclusive unit (includes all functionality)
// Option 2: Choose specific units based on your needs
// JSON functionality
TidyKit.JSON, // All JSON functionality
// Logging functionality
TidyKit.Logger, // Easy to use logging system
// Math-related units
TidyKit.Math, // Base math types and operations
TidyKit.Math.Stats, // Statistical calculations
TidyKit.Math.Finance, // Financial mathematics
TidyKit.Math.Matrices, // Matrix operations
TidyKit.Math.Trigonometry, // Trigonometric functions
// String manipulation unit
TidyKit.Strings, // String operations
// File system unit
TidyKit.FS, // File system operations
// Cryptography units
TidyKit.Crypto, // Base crypto operations
TidyKit.Crypto.SHA2, // SHA2 implementation
TidyKit.Crypto.SHA3, // SHA3 implementation
TidyKit.Crypto.AES256, // AES-256 implementation
// Network units
TidyKit.Request; // HTTP client with simple and advanced features
Choose Option 1 if you want to include all functionality with a single unit. This is convenient but may increase compilation time and executable size.
Choose Option 2 if you want to optimize your application by including only the specific functionality you need. This approach:
- β‘ Reduces compilation time
- π¦ Minimizes executable size
- π Makes dependencies more explicit
- π§ Improves code maintainability
Note: Some units may have interdependencies. The compiler will inform you if additional units need to be included.
Files: TFilePathArray;
Attrs: TFileAttributes;
Content: string;
// Basic file operations
TFileKit.WriteFile('example.txt', 'Hello World');
Content := TFileKit.ReadFile('example.txt');
// Directory operations
// List files with pattern matching
Files := TFileKit.ListFiles('src', '*.pas', True, fsName);
// Get file attributes
Attrs := TFileKit.GetAttributes('example.txt');
WriteLn(Format('Read-only: %s', [BoolToStr(Attrs.ReadOnly, True)]));
// File manipulation
TFileKit.CopyFile('source.txt', 'dest.txt');
TFileKit.MoveFile('old.txt', 'new.txt');
// Path operations
WriteLn(TFileKit.GetFileName('path/to/file.txt')); // Returns 'file.txt'
WriteLn(TFileKit.GetExtension('script.pas')); // Returns '.pas'
WriteLn(TFileKit.ChangeExtension('test.txt', '.bak')); // Returns 'test.bak'
Text: string;
// Email validation
if TStringKit.MatchesPattern('[email protected]', '^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+$') then
WriteLn('Valid email');
// Format phone number
Text := TStringKit.PadLeft('5551234', 10, '0'); // Returns '0005551234'
// Clean user input
Text := TStringKit.CollapseWhitespace(' Hello World '); // Returns 'Hello World'
// Format product code
Text := TStringKit.PadCenter('A123', 8, '-'); // Returns '--A123---'
CurrentTime: TDateTime;
NextWorkday: TDateTime;
// Get next business day for delivery date
CurrentTime := TDateTimeKit.GetNow;
NextWorkday := TDateTimeKit.NextBusinessDay(CurrentTime);
// Format for display
WriteLn(TDateTimeKit.GetAsString(NextWorkday, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
// Check if within business hours (9 AM - 5 PM)
if TDateTimeKit.IsWithinInterval(CurrentTime,
TDateTimeKit.StartOfDay(CurrentTime) + EncodeTime(9, 0, 0, 0),
TDateTimeKit.StartOfDay(CurrentTime) + EncodeTime(17, 0, 0, 0)
)) then
WriteLn('Within business hours');
Response: TResponse;
UserData: IJSONObject;
ApiResponse: IJSONObject;
// Simple GET request with JSON response
Response := Http.Get('https://api.example.com/data');
if Response.StatusCode = 200 then
ApiResponse := Response.JSON.AsObject;
WriteLn('User ID: ', ApiResponse['id'].AsInteger);
WriteLn('Username: ', ApiResponse['username'].AsString);
// POST with JSON data
UserData := TJSON.Obj;
UserData.Add('name', 'John Smith');
UserData.Add('email', '[email protected]');
UserData.Add('age', 30);
Response := Http.PostJSON('https://api.example.com/users',
if Response.StatusCode = 201 then
WriteLn('User created with ID: ', Response.JSON.AsObject['id'].AsString);
// Download file with progress
Response := Http.Get('https://example.com/large-file.zip');
TFileKit.WriteFile('download.zip', Response.Text);
Hash: string;
Encrypted: string;
// Hash password for storage
Hash := TCryptoKit.SHA512Hash('user_password');
// Secure configuration data
Encrypted := TCryptoKit.BlowfishCrypt(
'{"api_key": "secret123"}',
// Verify file integrity
Hash := TCryptoKit.SHA256Hash(TFileKit.ReadFile('important.dat'));
Data: TDoubleArray;
Stats: TDescriptiveStats;
// Analyze product ratings
Data := TDoubleArray.Create(4.5, 3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.8);
Stats := TStatsKit.Describe(Data);
WriteLn(Format('Average rating: %.2f', [Stats.Mean]));
WriteLn(Format('Rating spread: %.2f', [Stats.StdDev]));
WriteLn(Format('Most common: %.1f', [Stats.Mode]));
A, B, C: IMatrix;
// Create and initialize matrices
A := TMatrixKit.CreateFromArray([
[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0]
// Create identity matrix
B := TMatrixKit.Identity(2);
// Matrix multiplication
C := A.Multiply(B);
// Calculate properties
WriteLn(Format('Determinant: %.2f', [A.Determinant]));
WriteLn(Format('Trace: %.2f', [A.Trace]));
// Matrix transpose and inverse
C := A.Transpose;
C := A.Inverse;
// Matrix decompositions
LU := A.LU;
QR := A.QR;
Eigen := A.EigenDecomposition;
Chol := A.Cholesky;
// Advanced matrix creation
H := TMatrixKit.CreateHilbert(3);
T := TMatrixKit.CreateToeplitz(FirstRow, FirstCol);
V := TMatrixKit.CreateVandermonde(Vector);
// Matrix functions
E := A.Exp; // Matrix exponential
P := A.Power(0.5); // Matrix square root
// Vector operations
V1 := TMatrixKit.CreateFromArray([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]]);
V2 := TMatrixKit.CreateFromArray([[4.0], [5.0], [6.0]]);
DotProd := V1.DotProduct(V2);
Cross := V1.CrossProduct(V2);
Norm := V1.Normalize;
// Statistical operations
Mean := A.Mean; // Overall mean
ColMeans := A.Mean(0); // Column means
RowMeans := A.Mean(1); // Row means
Cov := A.Covariance; // Covariance matrix
Corr := A.Correlation; // Correlation matrix
// Solving linear systems
X := A.Inverse.Multiply(B); // Direct solution
X := A.PseudoInverse.Multiply(B); // For non-square systems
X := A.SolveIterative(B, imConjugateGradient); // Iterative solution
Angle, Height, Distance: Double;
// Calculate building height using angle
Angle := TTrigKit.DegToRad(30); // 30 degrees elevation
Distance := 100; // Distance from building
Height := Distance * TTrigKit.Tan(Angle);
// Calculate area of irregular field
WriteLn(Format('Field area: %.2f',
[TTrigKit.TriangleAreaSAS(100, TTrigKit.DegToRad(60), 120)]));
CashFlows: TDoubleArray;
NPV, IRR: Double;
// Investment analysis
CashFlows := TDoubleArray.Create(-1000, 200, 300, 400, 500);
NPV := TFinanceKit.NetPresentValue(0, CashFlows, 0.1);
IRR := TFinanceKit.InternalRateOfReturn(0, CashFlows);
WriteLn(Format('NPV: $%.2f', [NPV]));
WriteLn(Format('IRR: %.2f%%', [IRR * 100]));
SourceDir, DestDir: string;
// Create ZIP archive
SourceDir := 'path/to/source';
TArchiveKit.CompressToZip(SourceDir, 'archive.zip', True); // Recursive
// Extract specific files
DestDir := 'path/to/extract';
TArchiveKit.DecompressFromZip('archive.zip', DestDir, '*.txt'); // Only .txt files
// Create TAR archive with specific files
TArchiveKit.CompressToTar(SourceDir, 'backup.tar', True, '*.pas'); // Only .pas files
// Extract entire TAR archive
TArchiveKit.DecompressFromTar('backup.tar', DestDir);
// Simple one-line setup for console and file logging
TLogger.CreateConsoleAndFileLogger('application.log', llInfo);
// Log messages with different levels
Logger.Debug('Processing started'); // Only shown if minimum level is Debug
Logger.Info('User %s logged in', ['JohnDoe']);
Logger.Warning('Disk space is low: %d%% remaining', [5]);
Logger.Error('Failed to save file: %s', ['Access denied']);
Logger.Fatal('Application crashed: %s', ['Segmentation fault']);
// Create category-based loggers for better organization
UILogger, DBLogger: ILogContext;
UILogger := Logger.CreateContext('UI');
DBLogger := Logger.CreateContext('DB');
UILogger.Info('Window created');
DBLogger.Warning('Slow query detected: %s', ['SELECT * FROM large_table']);
// Time operations and log their duration
Timer: ITimedOperation;
Timer := Logger.TimedBlock('Data processing');
// ... perform long operation ...
// Timer automatically logs completion with duration when it goes out of scope
// IMPORTANT: Always close log files when shutting down
// Your application logic with logging...
Logger.CloseLogFiles; // Ensures all data is written to disk
- Operating System: Windows 11
- Compiler: Free Pascal (FPC) 3.2.2
- IDE: Lazarus 3.8
- Operating Systems:
- Windows (7, 8, 10, 11)
- Linux (Any distribution with FPC support)
- macOS (with FPC support)
- FreeBSD
- Compiler: Free Pascal 3.2.2 or higher
- IDE: Any IDE that supports Free Pascal
- Lazarus 3.6 or higher
- VS Code with OmniPascal
- Other text editors
- No external dependencies required
- Uses only standard Free Pascal RTL units
- Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) 3.2.2+
- Lazarus 3.6+
- Basic development tools (git, terminal, etc)
For detailed documentation, see:
- π Cheat Sheet
- π Math
- π Statistics
- π° Finance
- π’ Matrices
- π Trigonometry
- π File System
- π Crypto
- π Network
- π JSON
- π Logger
- Open the TestRunner.lpi using Lazarus IDE
- Compile the project
- Run the Test Runner:
$ cd tests
$ ./TestRunner.exe -a --format=plain
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
- Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
- Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
- Open a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- FPC Team for Free Pascal
- Contributors and maintainers