g#### ☕ Connect with me!
- 🚀 I’m a Full Stack Engineer Web Developer, loves to work on any tech stack, but love is React 😍
- I’m currently working on React JS, Javascript and NodeJS, HTML, CSS and MSSQL related projects
♥️ : Loves to work on Web Security, Optimize code performance, SQL query optimization stc- 🚀 Sample Work project, made with love ❤️ https://lets-order-food.netlify.app
- 👨🎓 Learning repo about CP, Algoritms, SDE sheets probelem solving https://github.com/iktarun/data-structures-with-javascript/tree/master/DataStructures
♥️ : Other topics like SOLID principles, Design Patterns, Javscript concepts like polyfill etc https://github.com/iktarun/data-structures-with-javascript/tree/master♥️ Some of html, css stuff https://github.com/iktarun/html-plus-css-componenets