a package manager for Android NDK to build projects that are written in C/C++/Rust/Golang.
Please read these caveats carefully before starting to use this software.
This software is being actively developed. It's in beta stage and may not be stable. Some features are subject to change without notice.
This software can NOT run on Android, musl-libc based GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD due to lack of Android NDK for these platforms.
This software can NOT run on Cygwin and MSYS2 due to
CMake: Builds hosted on 'CYGWIN' not supported.
Android-Determine.cmake -
Please do NOT place your own files under
directory, asndk-pkg
will change files under~/.ndk-pkg
directory without notice. -
Please do NOT run
command in parallell to avoid generating dirty data.
HostOS | HostArch | SubSystem | recommended | summary |
✶ | x86_64 |
Docker | ✔︎ | tested with Github Actions |
GNU/Linux | x86_64 |
glibc | ✔︎ | tested with Github Actions |
Windows | x86_64 |
WSL | tested with Github Actions |
macOS | x86_64 arm64 |
tested with Github Actions |
This is the recommended way of using this software.
In this way, you don't need to care about other things than:
- what package would you like to build?
- which minimum Android SDK API level would you like to support?
- which Android ABI would you like to build for?
- which build type would you like to use?
- which link type would you like to use?
![]() |
For details please refer to https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-package-manually-build
step1. create the ndk-pkg docker container
mkdir -p ~/.ndk-pkg
mkdir -p ~/.m2
docker create -it --name ndk-pkg -v ~/.ndk-pkg:/root/.ndk-pkg -v ~/.m2:/root/.m2 fpliu/ndk-pkg
step2. start the ndk-pkg docker container
docker start ndk-pkg
step3. run ndk-pkg
command in the ndk-pkg docker container
docker exec -it ndk-pkg ndk-pkg setup
docker exec -it ndk-pkg ndk-pkg upgrade-self
docker exec -it ndk-pkg ndk-pkg update
If all goes well, then next you can start to install packages whatever you want, for example, let's install curl
docker exec -it ndk-pkg ndk-pkg install curl:android-21:arm64-v8a
Note: you can use podman
instead of docker
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg/master/ndk-pkg
chmod a+x ndk-pkg
./ndk-pkg setup
wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/leleliu008/ndk-pkg/ndk-pkg
chmod a+x ndk-pkg
./ndk-pkg setup
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg
ndk-pkg/ndk-pkg setup
is recommended. Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2 -
distrbution is recommended. Available WSL distribution -
I assume that
has been installed, if not, you can follow the step-by-step instructions to install it. Install WSL
hostname = ubuntu
generateHosts = false
enabled = true
root = /mnt/
options = "metadata,umask=22,fmask=11"
mountFsTab = true
instructions installing ndk-pkg on WSL is same as described in section Install ndk-pkg via cURL
Things You Should Do Immediately After Installing ndk-pkg on WSL :
sudo install -o $(whoami) -d /mnt/d/ndk-pkg
ln -sf /mnt/d/ndk-pkg ~/.ndk-pkg
all relevant directories and files are located under ~/.ndk-pkg
a typical hierarchical structure under ~/.ndk-pkg
directory is as follows:
├── core
│ ├── bin
│ │ └── uppm
│ ├── etc
│ │ ├── cacert.pem
│ │ └── profile
│ ├── libexec
│ │ ├── wrapper-native-c++
│ │ ├── wrapper-native-cc
│ │ ├── wrapper-native-objc
│ │ ├── wrapper-target-c++
│ │ └── wrapper-target-cc
│ ├── share
│ │ └── zsh
│ │ └── site-functions
│ │ └── _uppm
│ └── xxxx
├── downloads
│ ├── 8f74213b56238c85a50a5329f77e06198771e70dd9a739779f4c02f65d971313.tgz
│ ├── b3a24de97a8fdbc835b9833169501030b8977031bcb54b3b3ac13740f846ab30.tgz
│ └── c642ae9b75fee120b2d96c712538bd2cf283228d2337df2cf2988e3c02678ef4.tgz
├── installed
│ ├── 356a9aa408c53bb93f85a768b1a8a2dd5cb4851992b9a59964bafeefca808881
│ │ ├── .ndk-pkg
│ │ │ ├── FAQ
│ │ │ ├── LICENSE
│ │ │ ├── MANIFEST.txt
│ │ │ ├── METADATA.yml
│ │ │ └── README
│ │ ├── include
│ │ │ ├── zconf.h
│ │ │ └── zlib.h
│ │ ├── lib
│ │ │ ├── pkgconfig
│ │ │ │ └── zlib.pc
│ │ │ ├── libz.a
│ │ │ └── libz.so
│ │ ├── lib-for-apk
│ │ │ ├── cmake
│ │ │ │ └── zlib
│ │ │ │ ├── zlibConfig.cmake
│ │ │ │ └── zlibConfigVersion.cmake
│ │ │ ├── libz.a
│ │ │ └── libz.so
│ │ └── share
│ │ └── man
│ │ └── man3
│ │ └── zlib.3
│ ├── 1f6e3471cc3fed6ac255d262c4b151fff1e73e178e266476eced394cd7a7a286
│ │ ├── .ndk-pkg
│ │ │ ├── FAQ
│ │ │ ├── LICENSE
│ │ │ ├── MANIFEST.txt
│ │ │ ├── METADATA.yml
│ │ │ └── README
│ │ └── ...
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── f1dd85386c380267b40759f291da65ecfde1375f0c64ada692aebc3fbe1834d8
│ │ └── ...
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── zlib:android-21:arm64-v8a -> 356a9aa408c53bb93f85a768b1a8a2dd5cb4851992b9a59964bafeefca808881
│ ├── zlib:android-21:armeabi-v7a -> 1f6e3471cc3fed6ac255d262c4b151fff1e73e178e266476eced394cd7a7a286
│ ├── zlib:android-21:x86 -> f1dd85386c380267b40759f291da65ecfde1375f0c64ada692aebc3fbe1834d8
│ └── zlib:android-21:x86_64 -> fe901c866e12f2f6816c269b774f9ca48a83f5c269e515a320fae7a7bcc0d791
├── native
│ └── linux-x86_64
│ ├── 30b5043e2c5513343152506e5b1e14436ddbb654f7edf69167df05f117fcdb16
│ │ ├── bin
│ │ │ ├── aclocal
│ │ │ ├── aclocal-1.16
│ │ │ ├── automake
│ │ │ └── automake-1.16
│ │ ├── share
│ │ └── receipt.txt
│ └── automake -> 30b5043e2c5513343152506e5b1e14436ddbb654f7edf69167df05f117fcdb16
├── repos.d
│ └── offical-core
│ ├── formula
│ │ ├── zlib.yml
│ │ ├── libbz2.yml
│ │ ├── liblzma.yml
│ │ └── libzstd.yml
│ └── README.md
└── run
├── 3409784
├── 3447656
└── 3457395
- Please do NOT place your own files under
directory, asndk-pkg
will change files under~/.ndk-pkg
directory without notice.
show help of this command
ndk-pkg -h ndk-pkg --help
show version of this command
ndk-pkg -V ndk-pkg --version
show basic information about this software
ndk-pkg env
show basic information about your current running operation system
ndk-pkg sysinfo
show basic information about Android NDK
ndk-pkg ndkinfo ndk-pkg ndkinfo --ndk-home=/usr/local/share/android-ndk
Note: If
option is not given, then value ofANDROID_NDK_ROOT
environment variable would be checked in order. -
generate url-transform sample
ndk-pkg gen-url-transform-sample
install essential tools used by this shell script
ndk-pkg setup
This command is actually to do two things:
scriptndk-pkg integrate zsh ndk-pkg integrate zsh --output-dir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ndk-pkg integrate zsh -v
This software provides a zsh-completion script for
. when you've typedndk-pkg
then typeTAB
key, the rest of the arguments will be automatically complete for you.Note: to apply this feature, you may need to run the command
autoload -U compinit && compinit
in your terminal (your current running shell must be zsh).Caveat: to use this feature, you should put
command inPATH
update all available formula repositories
ndk-pkg update
search all available packages whose name matches the given regular expression pattern
ndk-pkg search curl ndk-pkg search lib
show information of the given package
ndk-pkg info curl ndk-pkg info curl --yaml ndk-pkg info curl --json ndk-pkg info curl version ndk-pkg info curl license ndk-pkg info curl summary ndk-pkg info curl web-url ndk-pkg info curl git-url ndk-pkg info curl git-sha ndk-pkg info curl git-ref ndk-pkg info curl src-url ndk-pkg info curl src-sha ndk-pkg info curl installed-dir ndk-pkg info curl installed-files ndk-pkg info curl installed-version ndk-pkg info curl installed-timestamp-unix ndk-pkg info curl installed-timestamp-iso-8601 ndk-pkg info curl installed-timestamp-rfc-3339 ndk-pkg info curl installed-timestamp-iso-8601-utc ndk-pkg info curl installed-timestamp-rfc-3339-utc ndk-pkg info @all
show formula of the given package
ndk-pkg formula curl ndk-pkg formula curl --yaml ndk-pkg formula curl --json ndk-pkg formula curl --path ndk-pkg formula curl version ndk-pkg formula curl license ndk-pkg formula curl summary ndk-pkg formula curl web-url ndk-pkg formula curl git-url ndk-pkg formula curl git-sha ndk-pkg formula curl git-ref ndk-pkg formula curl src-url ndk-pkg formula curl src-sha
show receipt of the given installed package
ndk-pkg receipt curl ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a --yaml ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a --json ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a --path ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a version ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a license ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a summary ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a web-url ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a git-url ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a git-sha ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a git-ref ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a src-url ndk-pkg receipt curl:android-21:arm64-v8a src-sha
show packages that are depended by the given package
ndk-pkg depends curl ndk-pkg depends curl -t dot ndk-pkg depends curl -t box ndk-pkg depends curl -t png ndk-pkg depends curl -t svg ndk-pkg depends curl -t dot -o dependencies/ ndk-pkg depends curl -t box -o dependencies/ ndk-pkg depends curl -t png -o dependencies/ ndk-pkg depends curl -t svg -o dependencies/ ndk-pkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.dot ndk-pkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.box ndk-pkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.png ndk-pkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.svg
download resources of the given package to the local cache
ndk-pkg fetch curl ndk-pkg fetch @all ndk-pkg fetch curl -v ndk-pkg fetch @all -v
install packages
ndk-pkg install curl ndk-pkg install curl:android-33:arm64-v8a ndk-pkg install curl:android-33:arm64-v8a,x86_64 --link-type=static-only
reinstall packages
ndk-pkg reinstall curl ndk-pkg reinstall curl:android-33:arm64-v8a --link-type=static-only
uninstall packages
ndk-pkg uninstall curl ndk-pkg uninstall curl:android-33:arm64-v8a
upgrade the outdated packages
ndk-pkg upgrade curl ndk-pkg upgrade curl:android-33:arm64-v8a --link-type=static-only
upgrade this software
ndk-pkg upgrade-self ndk-pkg upgrade-self -v
edit the formula of the given package
ndk-pkg formula-edit curl ndk-pkg formula-edit curl --editor=/usr/local/bin/vim
does NOT save your changes, which means that your changes may be lost after the formula repository is updated! -
list all avaliable formula repositories
ndk-pkg formula-repo-list
add a new formula repository
ndk-pkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-formula-repository-my_repo ndk-pkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-formula-repository-my_repo master ndk-pkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-formula-repository-my_repo main
delete a existing formula repository
ndk-pkg formula-repo-del my_repo
list all available packages
ndk-pkg ls-available
list all installed packages
ndk-pkg ls-installed
list all outdated packages
ndk-pkg ls-outdated
check if the given package is available
ndk-pkg is-available curl
check if the given package is installed
ndk-pkg is-installed curl ndk-pkg is-installed curl:android-21:arm64-v8a
check if the given package is outdated
ndk-pkg is-outdated curl ndk-pkg is-outdated curl:android-21:arm64-v8a
list installed files of the given installed package in a tree-like format
ndk-pkg tree curl ndk-pkg tree curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -L 3
show logs of the given installed package
ndk-pkg logs curl ndk-pkg logs curl curl:android-21:arm64-v8a
pack the given installed package
ndk-pkg pack curl ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -t tar.xz ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -t tar.gz ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -t tar.lz ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -t tar.bz2 ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -t zip ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -t zip -o a/ ndk-pkg pack curl:android-21:arm64-v8a -o a/x.zip
export the given installed package as the google prefab aar
ndk-pkg export curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 -o . ndk-pkg export curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 -o curl-8.1.2.aar
export the given installed package as the google prefab aar then deploy it to Maven Local Repository
ndk-pkg depoly curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 ndk-pkg depoly curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 --debug ndk-pkg depoly curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 --local=/somewhere
export the given installed package as the google prefab aar then deploy it to Sonatype OSSRH
ndk-pkg depoly curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 --remote < ~/OSSRH-config ndk-pkg depoly curl:android-21:arm64-v8a,x86_64 --remote <<EOF SERVER_ID=OSSRH SERVER_URL=https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/ SERVER_USERNAME=your-sonatype-account-username SERVER_PASSWORD=your-sonatype-account-password GPG_PASSPHRASE=your-gpg-store-passphase EOF
delete the unused cached files
ndk-pkg cleanup
This environment variable already have been set on the most operating systems, if not set or set a empty string, you will receive an error message.
This environment variable already have been set on the most operating systems, if not set or set a empty string, you will receive an error message.
option is not given when installing a package, then value ofANDROID_NDK_ROOT
environment variable would be checked in order. If they both are not set or set a empty string or are invalid android ndk home directory, a specific version ofAndroid NDK
will be automatically installed via uppm. -
export NDKPKG_URL_TRANSFORM=/path/of/url-transform
command would be invoked as/path/of/url-transform <URL>
command must output a<URL>
you can generate a url-transform sample via
ndk-pkg gen-url-transform-sample
If you want to change the request url, you can set this environment variable. It is very useful for chinese users.
for debugging purposes.
this environment variable only affects POSIX-Shell-based implementation.
set -x
some sub-commands of
to be specified.<PACKAGE-SPEC>
, To simplify the usage, you are allowed to omit:<TARGET-ANDROID-SPEC>
is omitted, this environment variable will be used, if this environment variable is not set, thenandroid-21:arm64-v8a
will be used as the default.<TARGET-ANDROID-SPEC>
has the formandroid-<MIN-SDK-API-LEVEL>:<ANDROID-ABI>
export NDKPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET_ANDROID_SPEC='android-21:arm64-v8a'
other relevant environment variables
utility reference cmake reference cargo reference go reference pkg-config reference aclocal reference Example:
export GOPROXY='https://goproxy.cn'
a ndk-pkg formula is a YAML format file which is used to config a ndk-pkg package's meta-information including one sentence description, package version, installation instructions, etc.
a ndk-pkg formula's filename suffix must be .yml
a ndk-pkg formula'a filename prefix would be treated as the package name.
a ndk-pkg formula'a filename prefix must match the regular expression pattern ^[A-Za-z0-9+-._@]{1,50}$
a ndk-pkg formula's file content must follow the ndk-pkg formula scheme
a ndk-pkg formula repository is a git repository.
a ndk-pkg formula repository's root directory should have a formula
named sub directory, this repository's formulas all should be located in this directory.
a ndk-pkg formula repository's local path is ~/.ndk-pkg/repos.d/${ndk-pkgFormulaRepoName}
ndk-pkg supports multiple formula repositories.
After a ndk-pkg formula repository is successfully fetched from server to local, a config file for this repository would be created at ~/.ndk-pkg/repos.d/${ndk-pkgFormulaRepoName}/.ndk-pkg-formula-repo.yml
a typical ndk-pkg formula repository's config is as follows:
url: https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-formula-repository-offical-core
branch: master
pinned: 0
enabled: 1
timestamp-created: 1673684639
timestamp-updated: 1673684767
If a ndk-pkg formula repository is pinned
, which means it would not be updated.
If a ndk-pkg formula repository is disabled
, which means ndk-pkg would not search formulas in this formula repository.
ndk-pkg offical formula repository is hosted at https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-formula-repository-offical-core
ndk-pkg offical formula repository would be automatically fetched to local cache as name offical-core
when you run ndk-pkg update
Note: If you find that a package is not in ndk-pkg offical formula repository yet, PR is welcomed.
Using my prefab aars that have been published to GitHub-Hosted Maven Repository alongside with Android Gradle Plugin
I have published some commonly used packages as google prefab aar to https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-prefab-aar-maven-repo
Using my prefab aars that have been published to Maven Central Repository alongside with Android Gradle Plugin
I have published some commonly used packages as google prefab aar to Maven Central Repository
To get the full list of my published packages, please visit the follwoing websites:
- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/fpliu/ndk/pkg/prefab/android/21/
- https://search.maven.org/search?q=com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab
In the next two sections, I will show you how to configure with Android Gradle Plugin
in Kotlin DSL
and Groovy DSL
step1. enable prefab feature for Android Gradle Plugin
android {
buildFeatures {
prefab = true
step2. enable Maven Central Repository
for Gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
maven { url = uri("https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public") }
step3. add dependencies in build.gradle.kts
Every package's coordinate for Gradle is com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:<PACKAGE-NAME>:<PACKAGE-VERSION>
, for example, libpng
package has a version 1.6.37
, we could use it as follows:
dependencies {
implementation ("com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:libpng:1.6.37")
step4. invoke find_package(PACKAGE-NAME [REQUIRED] CONFIG) command in your Android project's CMakeLists.txt
Every package provides several cmake imported targets:
TARGET-NAME | example | summary |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::headers |
libpng::headers |
C/C++ header files only |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.a |
libpng::libpng16.a |
static library |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.so |
libpng::libpng16.so |
shared library |
libpng::libpng |
base on .pc files |
Following is a piece of codes show you how to link libpng.a
which is provided by libpng
find_package(libpng REQUIRED CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
find_package(libpng CONFIG)
if (libpng_FOUND)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
step5. configure C++ standard and STL in build.gradle.kts
android {
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
arguments += "-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared"
cppFlags += "-std=c++17"
- This step is only required for packages that use
. - If you link a shared library that depends on
, then your Android app should uselibc++_shared.so
step1. enable prefab feature for Android Gradle Plugin
android {
buildFeatures {
prefab true
step2. enable Maven Central Repository
for Gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public'
step3. add dependencies in build.gradle
Every package's coordinate for Gradle is com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:<PACKAGE-NAME>:<PACKAGE-VERSION>
, for example, libpng
package has a version 1.6.37
, we could use it as follows:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:libpng:1.6.37'
step4. invoke find_package(PACKAGE-NAME [REQUIRED] CONFIG) command in your Android project's CMakeLists.txt
Every package provides several cmake imported targets:
TARGET-NAME | example | summary |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::headers |
libpng::headers |
C/C++ header files only |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.a |
libpng::libpng16.a |
static library |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.so |
libpng::libpng16.so |
shared library |
libpng::libpng |
base on .pc files |
Following is a piece of codes show you how to link libpng.a
which is provided by libpng
find_package(libpng REQUIRED CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
find_package(libpng CONFIG)
if (libpng_FOUND)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
step5. configure C++ standard and STL in build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
arguments '-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared'
cppFlags '-std=c++17'
- This step is only required for packages that use
. - If you link a shared library that depends on
, then your Android app should uselibc++_shared.so
- https://google.github.io/prefab/
- https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library#aar-contents
- https://developer.android.com/studio/build/dependencies?agpversion=4.1#using-native-dependencies
Create the google prefab aar then deploy it to Maven Local Reposotory and use it alongside with Android Gradle Plugin
If my published packages don't meet your needs, you can use this software to install packages then deploy them to Maven Local Reposotory
In the next two sections, I will show you how to configure with Android Gradle Plugin
in Kotlin DSL
and Groovy DSL
step1. build and install libpng
Suppose you want to build and install libpng
, the following command will build libpng
with android-21
API and build for arm64-v8a
and armeabi-v7a
ABI respectively.
ndk-pkg install libpng:android-21:arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a
step2. export the installed libpng package as the google prefab aar and deploy it to your Maven Local Reposotory
ndk-pkg deploy libpng:android-21:arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a
step3. enable prefab feature for Android Gradle Plugin
android {
buildFeatures {
prefab = true
step4. enable Maven Local Repository
for Gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
step5. add dependencies in build.gradle.kts
Every package's coordinate for Gradle is com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:<PACKAGE-NAME>:<PACKAGE-VERSION>
, for example, libpng
package has a version 1.6.37
, we could use it as follows:
dependencies {
implementation ("com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:libpng:1.6.37")
step6. invoke find_package(PACKAGE-NAME [REQUIRED] CONFIG) command in your Android project's CMakeLists.txt
Every package provides several cmake imported targets:
TARGET-NAME | example | summary |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::headers |
libpng::headers |
C/C++ header files only |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.a |
libpng::libpng16.a |
static library |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.so |
libpng::libpng16.so |
shared library |
libpng::libpng |
base on .pc files |
Following is a piece of codes show you how to link libpng.a
which is provided by libpng
find_package(libpng REQUIRED CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
find_package(libpng CONFIG)
if (libpng_FOUND)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
step7. configure C++ standard and STL in build.gradle.kts
android {
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
arguments += "-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared"
cppFlags += "-std=c++17"
- This step is only required for packages that use
. - If you link a shared library that depends on
, then your Android app should uselibc++_shared.so
step1. build and install libpng
Suppose you want to build and install libpng
, the following command will build libpng
with android-21
API and build for arm64-v8a
and armeabi-v7a
ABI respectively.
ndk-pkg install libpng:android-21:arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a
step2. export the installed libpng package as the google prefab aar and deploy it to your Maven Local Reposotory
ndk-pkg deploy libpng:android-21:arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a
step3. enable prefab feature for Android Gradle Plugin
android {
buildFeatures {
prefab true
step4. enable Maven Local Repository
for Gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
step5. add dependencies in build.gradle
Every package's coordinate for Gradle is com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:<PACKAGE-NAME>:<PACKAGE-VERSION>
, for example, libpng
package has a version 1.6.37
, we could use it as follows:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.fpliu.ndk.pkg.prefab.android.21:libpng:1.6.37'
step6. invoke find_package(PACKAGE-NAME [REQUIRED] CONFIG) command in your Android project's CMakeLists.txt
Every package provides several cmake imported targets:
TARGET-NAME | example | summary |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::headers |
libpng::headers |
C/C++ header files only |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.a |
libpng::libpng16.a |
static library |
<PACKAGE-NAME>::lib*.so |
libpng::libpng16.so |
shared library |
libpng::libpng |
base on .pc files |
Following is a piece of codes show you how to link libpng.a
which is provided by libpng
find_package(libpng REQUIRED CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
find_package(libpng CONFIG)
if (libpng_FOUND)
target_link_libraries(app libpng::libpng.a)
step7. configure C++ standard and STL in build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
arguments '-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared'
cppFlags '-std=c++17'
- This step is only required for packages that use
. - If you link a shared library that depends on
, then your Android app should uselibc++_shared.so
- https://github.com/google/prefab
- https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library#aar-contents
- https://developer.android.com/studio/build/dependencies?agpversion=4.1#using-native-dependencies