Reconstruct Open API Specifications from real-time workload traffic seamlessly:
- Capture all API traffic in an existing environment using a service-mesh framework
- Construct the OpenAPI specification by observing the API traffic
- Upload OpenAPI spec, review, modify and approve generated OpenAPI specs
- Alert on any difference between the approved API specification and the one that is observed in runtime, detects shadow & zombie APIs
- Use a specific UI dashboard to audit and monitor the API findings
- Not all applications have their Open API specification available.
- How can we get this for our legacy or external applications ?
- Ability to detect that microservices still use deprecated APIs (a.k.a. Zombie APIs)
- Ability to detect that microservices use undocumented APIs (a.k.a. Shadow APIs)
- Ability to get Open API specifications without code instrumentation or modifying existing workloads (seamless documentation)
- Capture all API traffic in an existing environment using a service-mesh framework
- Construct the Open API specification by observing the API traffic
- Allow the User to upload Open API spec, review, modify and approve generated Open API specs
- Alert the user on any difference between the approved API specification and the one that is observed in runtime, detects shadow & zombie APIs
- UI dashboard to audit and monitor the API findings
docker build -t <your repo>/apiclarity .
docker push <your repo>/apiclarity
# Modify the image name of the apiclarity deployment in ./deployment/apiclarity.yaml
make ui
make backend
Make sure that Istio is installed and running in your cluster: (Official installation instructions).
Deploy APIClarity in K8s (will be deployed in a new namespace named apiclarity):
kubectl apply -f deployment/apiclarity.yaml
- Check that APIClarity is running:
kubectl get pods -n apiclarity
apiclarity-5df5fd6d98-h8v7t 1/1 Running 2 15m
mysql-6ffc46b7f-bggrv 1/1 Running 0 15m
- Deploy the Envoy WASM filter for capturing the traffic:
git submodule init wasm-filters
git submodule update wasm-filters
cd wasm-filters
Run the WASM deployment script for selected namespaces to allow traffic tracing. The script will automatically:
Deploy the WASM filter binary as a config map.
Deploy the Istio Envoy filter to use the WASM binary.
Patch all deployment annotations within the selected namespaces to mount the WASM binary.
./ <namespace1> <namespace2> ...
Note: To build the WASM filter instead of using the pre-built binary, please follow the instructions on wasm-filters
- Port forward to APIClarity UI:
kubectl port-forward -n apiclarity svc/apiclarity 9999:8080
Open APIClarity UI in the browser: http://localhost:9999/
Generate some traffic in the applications (e.g. sock-shop demo) in the traced namespaces and check APIClarity UI :)
- Build UI & backend locally as described above:
make ui && make backend
- Copy the built site:
cp -r ./ui/build ./site
- Run backend and frontend locally using demo data:
FAKE_TRACES=true FAKE_TRACES_PATH=./backend/pkg/test/trace_files ENABLE_DB_INFO_LOGS=true ./backend/bin/backend run
- Open APIClarity UI in the browser: http://localhost:8080/