- Copy .env.example to .env (and edit with your environtment)
- Run command
php artisan key:generate
for generate unique key app. - Run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
for migrate database and seed with initial datas - Run command
php artisan passport:install
for initial passport authentication - After run above command, will be show Personal Access Client, add Personal Access Client, [id and secret]. To .env file
- Run
php artisan serve
to run develop mode
- Standarize Response (status, data)
- Authentication Passport (Personal Access)
- Authentication HttpOnly Cookies JWT Based
- Authorization Laravel-Permission with Spatie
- Authorization Revoke Renew Permission
- Activity Logs with Spatie
- Query Builder, [Paginate,Search,Filter] with Spatie
- Media Storage Sample
- Export Import (Excel)## Documentation Backend (Laravel)
- Copy .env.example to .env (and edit with your environtment)
- Run command
php artisan key:generate
for generate unique key app. - Run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
for migrate database and seed with initial datas - Run command
php artisan passport:install
for initial passport authentication - After run above command, will be show Personal Access Client, add Personal Access Client, [id and secret]. To .env file
- Run
php artisan serve
to run develop mode
- Standarize Response (status, data)
- Authentication Passport (Personal Access)
- Authentication HttpOnly Cookies JWT Based
- Authorization Laravel-Permission with Spatie
- Authorization Revoke Renew Permission
- Activity Logs with Spatie
- Query Builder, [Paginate,Search,Filter] with Spatie
- Media Storage Sample
- Export Import (Excel)## Documentation Backend (Laravel)
- Copy .env.example to .env (and edit with your environtment)
- Run command
php artisan key:generate
for generate unique key app. - Run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
for migrate database and seed with initial datas - Run command
php artisan passport:install
for initial passport authentication - After run above command, will be show Personal Access Client, add Personal Access Client, [id and secret]. To .env file
- Run
php artisan serve
to run develop mode
- Standarize Response (status, data)
- Authentication Passport (Personal Access)
- Authentication HttpOnly Cookies JWT Based
- Authorization Laravel-Permission with Spatie
- Authorization Revoke Renew Permission
- Activity Logs with Spatie
- Query Builder, [Paginate,Search,Filter] with Spatie
- Media Storage Sample
- Export Import (Excel)