ready to go API for storing, creating, and generating random recipes.
- Used tech
- Architecture and patterns
- Start project for dev purposes
- Run project in production environment
- as python web frameworkmongodb
- as data storageDocker/ Docker compose
- as container runtimepunq
- as DI framework
Clean architecture by uncle Bob
- as a mindset for building this application -
Whole application is divided in
to make business logic and technology specific code low coupled -
Domain layer
- contains domain specific entities -
Logic layer
- contains business specific logic or as it is called use cases -
Infra layer
- contains contains code that provides different infrastructure like repositories and DI container -
Application layer
- contains framework specific code -
- in this project is not a classic implementation but something in the middle between observer and event bus
- Keep in mind that it is better to use DI than not to use
- Keep same naming style
- Use ruff as linter (configuration is in pyproject.toml)
- are very necessary- Implementation of whole CRUD for recipes block is needed
- And a lot of things in the frontend
- install dependencies
poetry install --no-root # to install only deps
- raise mongo storage
make storages
- provide environment variables in file named
in the root of the project:
- run uvicorn test server
uvicorn fastapi_proj.application.main:app --reload
Everything is ready
There is configured pre-commit hook which will lint the code before commit. Also there is configuration for
. So you can use it to check code validity.
- pull image from dockerhub:
docker pull ilya4r/recipe-builder:backend
- run image with provided environment variables:
docker run --name backend \
-p 8000:8000 --network mongonet \
-e MONGO_PORT=27017 -e MONGO_HOST=localhost \
-e MONGO_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_PASSWORD=superpassword -d \
-e REDIS_HOST=localhost -e REDIS_PORT=6379 \
-e CORS_ORIGINS='[""]' ilya4r/recipe-builder:backend