Illustrates how to use HTML, CSS, Flexbox and Bootstrap. Assignments are located here.
- Install VSCode
- Install VSCode extension: Live Server
- Fork this repo to your Github account.
- Clone the forked repo:
- Make a directory on your computer
- CD into this directory
- Execute:
git clone [email protected]:<Your_username>/html-css.git
- Right click on
and "Open with Live Server"
- Types of Web Architectures (10m)
- PluralSight HTML Fundamentals (2h 20m)
- HTML and CSS Tutorial (2h 17m)
- CSS Specificity Explained (13m)
- CSS Positioning (1hr)
- Modern Web Layout with Flexbox and CSS Grid (1h 10m)
- Flexbox Crash Course 2022 (46m)
- Bootstrap 5 Grid System Tutorial (15m)
- Getting Started with Bootstrap 5 (1h)
- W3 Schools
- HTML Tags
- Flexbox helper page
- Bootstrap helper page
- W3Schools
- Bootstrap flex
- Bootstrap Utilities
- Common CSS Properties
- Specificity
- HTML Semantic Elements
This is a game you can play on your own to help you learn style and layout. Try to visualize what will happen BEFORE you make a change to something. For example:
How will the display change when 10px is changed to 20px?
body {
padding: 10px; /* WWTD */
HTML HyperText Markup Language is used to create Web pages and tells the browser how to display them. The purpose of CSS is to provide Web developers with a standard way to define, apply, and manage sets of style characteristics. In other words, HTML is the data and CSS is the style. Keeping these tasks separate is an architectual style known as the separation of concerns.
A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. Examples of non-semantic elements (tells nothing about the content):
Examples of semantic elements (Clearly defines its content):
HTML elements that could possibly be used by SEO:
Six important concepts:
- Box Model
- CSS Selectors
- Specificity
- Positioning
- Units
- Display
- DevTools >> Elements Tab >> Scroll all the way down & click on HTML elements on left
- Margin: Outside of the HTML element
- Border: Actual border of the HTML element (the fence?)
- Padding: inside of the HTML element
These are common CSS selectors are used to target HTML elements so that they can be styled:
Example | Description |
* {} |
Universal Selector |
body {} |
General Selector |
#menu {} |
ID Selector |
.bookTitle {} |
Class Selector |
div p {} |
Descendant Selector (match any level) |
div > p {} |
Child Selector (match specifically) |
img[alt=check] {} |
Attribute Selector |
a:visited {} |
Psuedo Selector |
NOTE: Sassy CSS (SaSS) supports nested CSS rulesets which makes it easier to target HTML elements.
Specificity is the means by which browsers decide which CSS property values are the most relevant to an element and, therefore, will be applied. Specificity determines what rule sets will be applied to a target element. Check out the Specificity Calculator.
Note: Block, Inline, Table and Positioning are old techniques that do not provide the flexibility that we need in today's world.
- Fixed: Permanently located with respect to browser window, does not scroll bar (taken out of document flow).
- Absolute: Like Fixed positioning, but responds to scroll bar (taken out of document flow).
- Relative: Relative to its original position in the document flow.
- Static: Disables positioning values, does not move the element (default value for all elements).
- Inherit: Inherit the position from the parent container element.
- Z-index: Higher numbers stack elements on top of each other.
Common Units:
- px (96 pixels equals one inch)
- % All Units
By default, our browsers display items in block mode
display: block;
This stacks elements vertically in blocks which span the entire width of the browser.
We can change this in our style sheet to inline-block
, which stacks items horizontally.
The key concept to understand when using flexbox is that there are two classes associated with "flexing", the flex container itself, and the actual item(s) inside the container. There are properties ONLY associated with the flex container and ONLY associated with the flex item(s). The definitions of "main axis" and "cross axis" also must be understood. Flexbox works with block elements.
These properties ONLY apply to the flexbox container. Default direction is left-to-right (row), this is the main axis, the cross axis is 90 degrees from th main axis.
: {flex|inline-flex} Inline shrink wraps flexbox itemsflex-direction
: {column|row} Row is the defaultflex-wrap
: Used to specify if the flex container should wrap flex items and not squish items (squish is default)flex-flow
: Shorthand for flex-direction and flex-wrapjustify-content
: {first baseline|center|space-between} along the main axisalign-items
: {flex-start|center|flex-end} Aligns the flexbox items across the CROSS axisalign-content
: Applies alignment accross the CROSS axis for items that wrap multiple lines (does nothing for single line flex containers) stretch is defaultgap
: Space between flexbox items
These properties ONLY apply to the flex item(s):
: The order in which to render the flex itemflex-grow
: How much an item will GROW relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same containerflex-shrink
: How much an item will SHRINK relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same containerflex-basis
: The initial length of a flexible itemflex
: Shorthand for:flex-grow
: Individually change alignment for flexbox items on the cross axis, including stretch
The Bootstrap grid system (rows & columns) contains 12 column units. Bootstrap stacks divs verticall only if one or more of the responsive breakpoints (class infix) have been hit.
To include Bootstrap in your webpage, add the following references to the <head>
<link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-1BmE4kWBq78iYhFldvKuhfTAU6auU8tT94WrHftjDbrCEXSU1oBoqyl2QvZ6jIW3" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-ka7Sk0Gln4gmtz2MlQnikT1wXgYsOg+OMhuP+IlRH9sENBO0LRn5q+8nbTov4+1p" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
A responsive breakpoint is "hit" when the browser is expanded to the width specified in this table:
Breakpoint | Class infix | Width |
X-Small | None | 0-575px |
Small | sm | >=576px |
Medium | md | >=768px |
Large | lg | >=992px |
Extra Large | xl | >=1200px |
Extra extra large | xxl | >=1400px |
ProTip: To view the width of the browser ensure that the Dev Tools console is open (Ctl+Shift+i) and observe the dimensions in the upper right hand corner of the browser window.